Wiley, Kristi L
ISBN: 9788170946816, 8170946816
The book is a unique quick-reference book about a religion with an unbroken history of more than 2,500 year, and one which has influenced India's culture throughout this period.
ISBN: 9789383634231, 9383634235
Vol. 1 Jaina canons and its commentaries, non-canonical original texts and its commentaries, ISBN: 9789383634231, Vol. 2 General books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias and reference books, manuscript catalogues, ISBN: 9789383634248;
Hira Lal, Rai Bahadur
ISBN: 9788173055959, 8173055955
First published in 1926, it lists 6922 Brahmanical mss. and 1263 Jain mss. This volume constitutes a Unit of Collected Works of Rai Bahadur Hira Lal.
Pandey, Shriprakash (ed.)
ISBN: 9788186715437, 8186715436
This volume is a compilation of articles and books authorised as well as edited by Dr. Charlotte Krause, a German scholar of Jainology who devoted her life for the propagation of Jain religion. Also contains a brief sketch of her biography.
ISBN: 9788182052031, 8182052033
It aims to provide clear, concise, and correct definitions and descriptions of the terms used in all world religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Animism and so on.
ISBN: 9788195549375, 8195549373
This book is a collection of the speeches and writings on Karma philosophy delivered by Virchand Raghavji Gandhi (1864-1901), a contemporary of Swami Vivekanand and Mahatma Gandhi, a forgotten Indian scholar, who represented Jainism at the first World Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, USA. in 1893. The Jains of all shades of opinion believe in the law of Karma, to which every soul that i...
Singh, Khushwant
ISBN: 9788172235338, 817223533X
Well versed in all scriptures pertaining to every religion he talks about-- ranging from Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Khushwant Singh quotes liberally from their holybooks to buttress his arguments. This book is a definitive guide to distinguish frauds from goods and con men from godmen.
Jain, Shalin
ISBN: 9789384082925, 9384082929
This work traces the history of the Medieval Jain community, focusing on the engagements of the Jains with the imperial authority in the Mughal provinces of northern India. It examines the trajectories of Jain community formation under the Mughals in India by scrutinizing the everyday reproduction of a religious minority ruled by a monarchical dynasty belonging to another religious affiliation.
Kumar, Anang Pradyumna
Griswold, Hervey De Witt
ISBN: 9788173050718, 8173050716
Selected Contents: (i)Characteristics of Hinduism as a religion (ii)Keshan Chander Sen and the church of the New Dispensation (iii)Swami Vivekananda, India's apostle to the west (iv)Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mrs. Besant's world teacher (v)Swami Dayanand Sarasvati and the watchword Back to the Vedas (vi)Jainism and its contrasts of ascetic renunciation and lay prosperity (vii)Sadhu Sundar Singh and th...
Settar, S.
ISBN: 9789380607429, 9380607423
One of the foremost communities to have paid serious attention to death are the Jains of India. Indeed, their preoccupation with it has been so intense that without understanding their philosophy of death, it is almost impossible to make out their notion of life. While commending death, however, they caution against throwing away life in a cavalier manner. They emphatically oppose suicide--a de...
Singhvi, LM
ISBN: 9788170020790, 8170020794
Jain, Pradyumna Kumar
Tiwari, Maruti Nandan Prasad et al.
ISBN: 9788173054051, 8173054053
The present book is the outcome of long study and research on Jaina art in its totality. The book delves deep into the contributions and landmarks of Jaina art in its multiplicity and in reference to its being the part of the whole of the gamut of Indian art and culture.
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