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Your search for 'Astrology' as Keywords results 396 record(s)
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Muhoortha sangraha, 2 vols: detailed tables of muhoorthas for various activities

Muhoortha sangraha, 2 vols: detailed tables of muhoorthas for various activities

Kalyanraman, V S

Based and analysed from the information available in texts on astrology, this book will serve as a handy guide for selecting muhoortha (suitable time) for each activity.;

Muhurttacintamanih of Rama Daivajna, (17th cent.), with Skt. commentary Piyusadhara and Hindi comm. Jyotih, ed. and comm. by Ram Chandra Pathak

Muhurttacintamanih of Rama Daivajna, (17th cent.), with Skt. commentary Piyusadhara and Hindi comm. Jyotih, ed. and comm. by Ram Chandra Pathak

ISBN: 9788186937235, 8186937234

Treatise, with Sanskrit and Hindi commentary on Hindu astrology.;

Narapatijayacaryaswarodayah of Daivajna Narapati, ed. with Jayalaksmi Sanskrit and Prajnavardhini Hindi commentaries, by Satyedra Mishra

Narapatijayacaryaswarodayah of Daivajna Narapati, ed. with Jayalaksmi Sanskrit and Prajnavardhini Hindi commentaries, by Satyedra Mishra

A unique book of Swara Jyoutisa which enumerates and describes the forecast on the basis of Swara Varna (vowels) and breath in Ida-Pingala-Susumna-Nadis.

Natal planets and fatal diseases

Natal planets and fatal diseases

Trivedi, Mridula et al.

ISBN: 9788190675130, 8190675133

New predictive astrology

New predictive astrology

Vyas, RN

ISBN: 9788121206853, 8121206855

The new world begins, the truth behind Mayan and other predictions

The new world begins, the truth behind Mayan and other predictions

Singh, Bindya HSB

ISBN: 9788121212380, 8121212383

Vishvakarmaprakasha (Shilpashastra)

Vishvakarmaprakasha (Shilpashastra)

ISBN: 9788171107933, 8171107931

Notable horoscopes

Notable horoscopes

Raman, BV

ISBN: 9788120809000, 8120809009

Numerology made easy

Numerology made easy

Tulli, Mohan Vir

ISBN: 9788186987018, 8186987010

Old wisdom and new horizon

Old wisdom and new horizon

Pal, Manoj Kumar

ISBN: 9788130910086, 813091008X

Series: ... Civilization, Vol.XV part 5 / gen. ed.: D.P. Chattopadhyaya.;;The book reviews the wisdom of the ancient Hindus, Buddhism, Jainism and of the three semitic religions--Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It presents a concise account of the Indian Vedas, Vedangas, Saddarsana, the two epics and the Bhagavadgita, of the philosophy and science of the Greeks, science and technology of ancie...

Orbital providence scholarly exposition on naadi astrology

Orbital providence scholarly exposition on naadi astrology

Naik, Satyanarayana

ISBN: 9788170820987, 8170820987

Out of the labyrinth: for those who want to believe but can't

Out of the labyrinth: for those who want to believe but can't

Walters, J Donald

ISBN: 9788120819337, 8120819330

Advanced principles of predictions

Advanced principles of predictions

Vasudev, Gayatri Devi

ISBN: 9788174763853, 8174763856

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