ISBN: 9788188230105, 8188230103
ISBN: 9788188230754, 8188230758
ISBN: 9788120833418, 8120833414
A book on predictive astrology. It includes the essence of Parashar, Jaimini and many more masters. 450 Yogas of Bhavartha Ratnakar of Shri Ramanuja have been added to the benefit of the title.
ISBN: 9788185141732, 8185141738
The present volume covers 1066 manuscripts of which 983 relate to Jyotisastra (Astrology, Astronomy and Mathematics), 16 relate to Vastusastra, 9 relate to Silpasasta, 20 relate to Natyasastra, 18 relate to Samgitasastra and 20 relate to Kamasastra. Adyar Library's collection of manuscripts on astrology and astronomy is very rich and contains several important works such as Aryabhatiya and its ...
Mishra, Suresh Chandra
ISBN: 9789381748336, 9381748330
The book is a critical survey of dicta of Parashara and Jaimini Muni. The peculiar terse style of expression, the 'Sutra Shailey' is thought to be initiated by Veda Vyas, the Guru of Jaimini.
Mishra, Suresh Chandra
ISBN: 9789381748275, 9381748276
The book contains the essence of manifestations of Sage Parashara and Sage Bhrigu for delineating the Dasha-effects for individuals.
Hikosaka, Shu et al. (ed.)
Translation of a Tamil poem, Uttanatan Koval, sung in 415 stanzas in praise of Uttantan, 16 cent. poet. This poem reveals the poets knowledge of medicine. astrology and philosophy.;
Kumar, Raj
ISBN: 9788170820826, 8170820820
Prashna or Horary is an important branch of astrological sciences.
ISBN: 9789383811465, 9383811463
The work is by Bhattopala, the illustrious commentator of Varahamihir. It is an interesting work on the hoary aspect of the science of Astrology.
Part I: 9788120809147;Part II: 9788120810341;A unique work on astrology, natal and horary, of vital importance to every astrological scholar, practitioner and student.
ISBN: 9788170813743, 8170813743
Part I : Purvarddha, adhyaya 1-16. Part II : Uttararddha, adhyaya 17-32.
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