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Your search for 'Sociology' as Keywords results 3162 record(s)
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Dalit exclusion and subordination

Dalit exclusion and subordination

Kumar, Rabindra

ISBN: 9788131605608, 8131605604

This book is an attempt to explore the construction of the Dalits as a social, economic and political category, the historical background which led to such conceptualization and their poistion in Indian society today.

Dalit households in village economies

Dalit households in village economies

Ramachandran, V.K. et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9789382381303, 9382381309

Based on empirical studies from Kerala, Tamilnadu and West Bengal, this book is an attempt to contribute to the study and understanding of economic deprivation and exclusion among Dalits in rural India.

Dalit intelectuals and social change

Dalit intelectuals and social change

Prasad, R

ISBN: 9789380388984, 9380388985

Dalit liberative hermeneutics: Indian Christian dalit interpretation of Psalm 22

Dalit liberative hermeneutics: Indian Christian dalit interpretation of Psalm 22

Jesurathnam, Kondasingu

ISBN: 9788184650860, 8184650868

Feminism in contemporary British and Indian English fiction

Feminism in contemporary British and Indian English fiction

Pandey, Miti (b.1967)

ISBN: 9788176253628, 8176253626

Dalit middle class: mobility, identity and politics of caste

Dalit middle class: mobility, identity and politics of caste

Srinivas, Gurram

ISBN: 9788131606889, 8131606880

Dalit movements in India and its leaders (1857-1956) by R.K. Kshirsagar, 2nd ed.

Dalit movements in India and its leaders (1857-1956) by R.K. Kshirsagar, 2nd ed.

ISBN: 9788192769400, 8192769402

The book reveals the history of Dalit liberation movement in India especially during 1857 to 1956.

Dalit paradigm: concept and theory building

Dalit paradigm: concept and theory building

Saxena, Priti Nath

ISBN: 9788131608470, 8131608476

Dalit personal narratives: readings caste, nation and identity

Dalit personal narratives: readings caste, nation and identity

Kumar, Raj

ISBN: 9788125042501, 8125042504

A significant work to the growing corpus of scholarship on caste in India, particularly Dalit and gender studies.

Dalit phobia: why do they hate us?

Dalit phobia: why do they hate us?

Prasad, Chandra Bhan

ISBN: 9788189766016, 8189766015

Dalit theology: history, context, text and whole salvation

Dalit theology: history, context, text and whole salvation

Massey, James

ISBN: 9789350980279, 9350980274

Dalit women in India: issues and perspectives

Dalit women in India: issues and perspectives

Jogdand, PG (ed.)

ISBN: 9788121204934, 8121204933

Dalits and human development: contemporary issues and emerging patterns

Dalits and human development: contemporary issues and emerging patterns

Mallaiah, LC et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9788189886394, 8189886398

Dalits and human rights, 3 vols

Dalits and human rights, 3 vols

Shinde, Prem K (ed.)

ISBN: 9788182052406, 8182052408

Vol.1: Dalits and racial justice.;Vol.2: Dalits: security and rights implications.;Vol.3: Dalits: the broken future.;;

City of shadows: slums and informal work in Bangalore

City of shadows: slums and informal work in Bangalore

Chowdhury, Supriya Roy

ISBN: 9781108839365, 1108839363

The book underscores that the poor's vulnerabilities are defined by different regimes of informality. Debates on the urban poor's political agency are used to problematize informality's complex relationship to contemporary theories of class.

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