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Your search for 'Sociology' as Keywords results 3162 record(s)
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Debating race in contemporary India

Debating race in contemporary India

McDuie-Ra, Duncan

ISBN: 9781137538970, 113753897X

Debt and death in rural India: the Punjab story

Debt and death in rural India: the Punjab story

Sidhu, Aman et al

ISBN: 9788132106531, 8132106539

This book is a study of farmer suicides in rural Punjab from the mid-1980s up to 2008. Based on comprehensive original research work, it examines various factors ranging from central to state policies and critically analyses political, economic and social trends that have led to the dismal condition of farmers in Punjab.

Decentralisation, governance and development: an Indian perspective, ed. by Pranab Kumar Das, with a foreword by Dilip Mookherjee

Decentralisation, governance and development: an Indian perspective, ed. by Pranab Kumar Das, with a foreword by Dilip Mookherjee

ISBN: 9789386296887, 9386296888

Drawing from the examples of the two states where decentralisation has been most successful--Kerala and West Bengal--this volume explores the causes and effects of failures in implementation and issues of governance. The essays in this book by scholars will equip readers with both a theoretical understanding of the issues concerning local government, and the practical problems of designing and ...

Girmitiyas and the global Indian diaspora: origins, memories, and identity,

Girmitiyas and the global Indian diaspora: origins, memories, and identity,

ISBN: 9781009342612, 1009342614

Many Indians journeyed out of India to supplant the loss of slave labour in the former European plantation colonies of Mauritius, South Africa, Fiji and the Caribbean from the early nineteenth century onwards.

Decoding intolerance: riots and the emergence of terrorism in India, foreword by Kuldep Mayar

Decoding intolerance: riots and the emergence of terrorism in India, foreword by Kuldep Mayar

Lahiri, Prateep K

ISBN: 9788174367433, 8174367438

This book critically analyzes the recurrence of communal violence and offers a persuasive argument about the problem, with a foucs on its prevention in the future.

Defence of Hindu society, 3rd enl. edition

Defence of Hindu society, 3rd enl. edition

Goel, Sita Ram (1921-2003)

ISBN: 9788185990248, 8185990247

The first principle which Hindu society has to observe while preparing its defence is that it will stop processing and evaluating its own heritage in terms of ideas and ideals projected by closed creeds and pretentious ideologies. On the contrary, Hindu society will henceforward process and evaluate the heritage of these creeds and ideologies in terms of its own categories of thought, and find ...

Environment and Urbanization ASIA (2 issues per year) (ISSN: 0975-4253)

Environment and Urbanization ASIA (2 issues per year) (ISSN: 0975-4253)

This journal aims at supporting the exchange of ideas, research outputs, intervention strategies and innovative solutions in the fields of urbanization, environment and human settlements across Asia.

Democracy and development in India's North-East: challenges  and opportunities, ed. by L.S. Gassah et al

Democracy and development in India's North-East: challenges and opportunities, ed. by L.S. Gassah et al

ISBN: 9789380574745, 9380574746

This volume is an offshoot of a national seminar organized by the ICSSR North Eastern Regional Centre, Shillong, address on issues related to the tribes, nations and minority groups in the northeast India.

Democratic governance and human development: stocktaking and future strategies

Democratic governance and human development: stocktaking and future strategies

Sisodia, Yatindra Singh (ed.)

ISBN: 9788131605592, 8131605590

The democratic predicament: cultural diversity in Europe and India

The democratic predicament: cultural diversity in Europe and India

Tripathy, Jyotirmaya et al (ed.)

ISBN: 9780415811897, 0415811899

Examining the fundamental conflict between constructions of particular cultural identities and mandates of a unifying democratic ethos, the book brings forth the complexities underlying the politics of identity recognition and national integration.

Demographic change health inequality and human development in India

Demographic change health inequality and human development in India

Rajan, S Irudaya et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9788188793013, 8188793019

Articles in memory of Prof. Pravin Visaria, one of the leading Indian economist-demographer of the last centuries.

Demographic study of primitive tribe: a comparative framework

Demographic study of primitive tribe: a comparative framework

Biswas, Ranjan Kumar

ISBN: 9788190257237, 8190257234

Demography and democracy: essays on nationalism, gender and  ideology

Demography and democracy: essays on nationalism, gender and ideology

Bannerji, Himani

ISBN: 9788125042921, 812504292X

This book is a useful and clear delineation of key Marxist concepts and their instantiations in contemporary India and the world. It serves as a primer on the Marxist position on postcolonial cultural analysis, Hindutva, American imperialism, Max Weber and the dominant development paradigm.

Demography and development dynamics in a primitive tribe of Himalayas

Demography and development dynamics in a primitive tribe of Himalayas

Patra, Prasanna Kumar et al.

ISBN: 9788170893622, 8170893623

Demography and migration in Asia: issues and trends

Demography and migration in Asia: issues and trends

Sengupta, Anita et al (ed)

ISBN: 9788175415874, 8175415878

Demography of the people of Jammu and Kashmir

Demography of the people of Jammu and Kashmir

Nag, Shampa et al.

ISBN: 9788185264318, 8185264317

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