Dube, Anjul
ISBN: 9788170816232, 8170816238
.... Ujjain ke dvara prayojit Granthamala.
Saha, Dinanath (b.1962)
ISBN: 9788170803201, 8170803209
.....tr. from Hindi by Udaynarayan Singh
ISBN: 9788190567107, 8190567101
A critical analysis of the etymologies in Sayana's commentary on the Atharvaveda.
An important work on Avestan-Vedic linguistic study.
ISBN: 9788121501736, 8121501733
ISBN: 9788120836891, 8120836898
It belongs to the School of the Taittiriya Krsna Yajurveda.
The portion containing new and full moon sacrifices on the srautasutras belonging to the Black Yajurveda.
Roy, Ramashray
Order in the Vedic perspective is the consequence of the linkage between the finite world of meaning and the absolute as the source of meaning. The book explores this linkage as reflected in the Vedic literature.;
Part 1: Text, 97+372p., Rs.350.00;Part 2: Translation into English by C.G. Kaushikar, 8+321p., Rs.300.00;Rare and important work in the field of Vedic ritual literature.
Mishra, Mandan (ed.)
Collection of 64 papers by scholars on Vedic literature and culture, religion and philosophy, epic and literature and on North East India.
ISBN: 9788195556960, 8195556965
Alfred Hillebrandt (1853-1927), was a renowned German Indologist. He is best known for his research on Vedic mythologist and ritual literature.
Nagar, Shantilal
ISBN: 9788188643370, 8188643378
DDC 294.5092254 23 ;Vol.1 ISBN: 9788188643356;Vol.2 ISBN: 9788188643363;The accounts of the Rsis and the Rsikas in this works provide a graphic picture of their performance from the Vedic to the Puranic period, which has not been brought out so far and it would, surely, interest the readers as well as the research scholars to a considerable extent. The study also covers Yogacaryas, Sangitacarya...
ISBN: 9788129201430, 8129201437
...and the annotations tr. into English by Sitanath Tattvabhushan and Satish Chandra Chakravarti.;;These are a body of aphorisms expounded and systematizing the teachings of the Upanishads and refuting doctrines opposed to them.
...Brahma Vijnanam, 2 parts, critically ed. with notes and introd. by A.S. Ramanathan.
Pandey, Prajna (b.1976)
A series sponsored by Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Vedavidya Pratishthana Ujjain.
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