Lam chen Gyalpo Rinpoche
A historical account of the `Brong pa tribe of the Ldong clan of Kham Nangchen.
Series: Rare Historical and Literary Texts from Khams; 1
USD 41.00
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Title: Bod ljongs mdo Khams Nang chen spyi dang bye brag gi byung ba brjod pa Ldong `Brong pa'i deb gter smug po zhes bya ba bzhugs so, ed. by Tashi Tshering
Author: Lam chen Gyalpo Rinpoche
ISBN 13: 9788186227329
ISBN 10: 8186227326
Series: Rare Historical and Literary Texts from Khams; 1
Year: 2003
Pages etc.: 465p., 24cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Dharamsala
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