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Your search for 'Census of India' as Keywords results 1069 record(s)
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Census of India: language atlas of India 2011, by Kandhai Singh et al.

Census of India: language atlas of India 2011, by Kandhai Singh et al.

There are 74 maps along with analytical notes included in this Atlas. These maps are broadly divided into six sections. In the first section, there are four maps illustrating the Administrative Divisions of the country as per Census 2011 and the Languages of India as returned in the 1931 Census. The natural distribution of language speakers as per the mother tongue returns of the 1931 Census is...

Atlas of women and men in India

Atlas of women and men in India

Raju, Saraswati et al.

ISBN: 9788185107943, 8185107947

This compilation of almost 100 maps is put together using data from the 1991 census of India. It maps a regional geography of women and men, using indicators as diverse as literary, education, voting pattern, cultural groupings, fertility rates, workform participation etc.

Becoming Hindus and Muslims: reading the cultural encounter  in Bengal, 1342-1905 (some verses in Bengali)

Becoming Hindus and Muslims: reading the cultural encounter in Bengal, 1342-1905 (some verses in Bengali)

Dey, Saumya

ISBN: 9788121512909, 8121512905

This book begins by interrogating the assumption that coherent religious identities emerged in the Indian subcontinent only in the nineteenth century, when the colonial state initiated the census and made it necessary for Indians determinately to identify themselves as Hindus or Muslims. The kavyas, thus, he argues, formed an emotional inheritance which impacted the literature and sense of hist...

Beyond demography: dialogue with people

Beyond demography: dialogue with people

Bose, Ashish (b.1930)

ISBN: 9788176465656, 8176465658

This volume is a tribute to the late Krishna Raj, the celebrated editor of `Economic & Political Weekly'. It bring together contributions of the author on a wide range of topics published in EPW during the last five years. It combines analysis of census data with reality check based on the author's field work all over India.

Allah naam ki siyasat

Allah naam ki siyasat

Ahmad, Hilal

ISBN: 9788195965526, 8195965520

This book is part one of the book, Ahmad explain that prior to the advent of the British in India, the majority. Minority perception was not there in Indian society. The creation of these categories as the result of British colonialism. The conduct of census with categories of caste and religion gave these groupings fixed and denied identities. Part two of the book has Ahmad talking about some ...

Census- 2001 and human development in India

Census- 2001 and human development in India

Ramachandrudu, G (b.1950) et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9788186771457, 818677145X

This volume focuses on Andhra Pradesh demography. It is reported that there is a steep decline of 40 per cent in the decadal population growth rate from 24.52 per cent during 1981-91 to 13.86 per cent in 1991-2001.

The census administration under the Raj and after

The census administration under the Raj and after

Maheshwari, Shriram (b.1931)

ISBN: 9788170225850, 817022585X

The present work deals with the census in India, which is one of the oldest activities of the Indian Government as also its single largest administrative exercise.

Census Altal 1991: India by M. Vijayanunni

Census Altal 1991: India by M. Vijayanunni

The 103 maps are presented in 16 sections viz. general, population distribution, density and growth, household size, fertility, marital status, sex and age structure, working age population, urbanisation, migration, literacy, work participation, primary sector, secondary and tertiary sectors, scheduled castes and tribes, religion and housing. Data have been presented in the maps by using chorop...

Census of India 1931

Census of India 1931

Assam, 2 Parts, Reprint 1987. Rs.3000/-set.;Part 1: Report, 256p.,;Part 2: 312 tables.;;Bombay Presidency, 2 Parts, Reprint 1987. Rs.4000/-set.;Part 1: Reprot, 580p.,;Part 2: 489 tables.;;Central Provinces and Berar, 2 Parts, Reprint 1992. Rs.4000/-set.;Part 1: Report, 434p.,;Part 2: 523 tables.;;United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 2 Parts, Reprint 1987. Rs.5000/-set.;Part 1: Report, 638p.,;Part...

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