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Your search for 'Collected and Selected Works' as Keywords results 244 record(s)
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10 pratinidhi kahaniyam

10 pratinidhi kahaniyam

Morwal, Bhagvandas

ISBN: 9789383233953, 9383233958

21 vim sadi: pahla dasak, ed. by Suresh Sharma

21 vim sadi: pahla dasak, ed. by Suresh Sharma

Joshi, Prabhash

ISBN: 9788126719419, 8126719419

Collected articles of this noted Hindi writer the wrote in a Hindi daily,;Jansatta during 2001-2009 on political, economic and social aspects of the nation.;

Acarya Ramacandra Sukla granthavali, 8 vols., ed. by Omprakash Singh

Acarya Ramacandra Sukla granthavali, 8 vols., ed. by Omprakash Singh

Singh, Omprakash

ISBN: 9788177142709, 8177142704

Acharya Narendra Dev vangmaya, khand 3: 1947-1956, ed. by Om Prakash Kejriwal

Acharya Narendra Dev vangmaya, khand 3: 1947-1956, ed. by Om Prakash Kejriwal

ISBN: 9788187614265, 8187614269

Collected works of Acharya Narendra Dev (1889-1956), a socialist leader, scholar and educationalist.

Acharya Prafulla Chandra: portrait of a man, Vol.2, homage to Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, ed. by Anil Bhattacharya

Acharya Prafulla Chandra: portrait of a man, Vol.2, homage to Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray, ed. by Anil Bhattacharya

Collection of some important seminal essays written at different times, description of his evocative childhood, story from his own perspective of the launching of Bengal Chemical, some of his important presidential addresses (some articles in Bengali).

Ambedkar: the prime mover

Ambedkar: the prime mover

Jatava, DR

ISBN: 9788185771922, 8185771928

This book unfolds the multifarious aspects of Ambedkar's life, as he was both unique and versatile.

Amritlal Nagar ratnavali, 12 vols., ed. by Sarada Nagar

Amritlal Nagar ratnavali, 12 vols., ed. by Sarada Nagar

Complete works of Amritlal Nagar, b.1916, Hindi author.;Vol.1: 8170280303;Vol.3 and Vol.7 are out of print.

Ancient springs and new India: convocation addresses and tributes

Ancient springs and new India: convocation addresses and tributes

Vatsyayan, Kapila

ISBN: 9788177421651, 8177421654

The present volume by Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan is in two parts. The first part is a collection of six convocation addresses delivered by her during the period between 1983 and 2005 at different Indian universities. She gives sage advice to the out-going students how they can meet the challenges that they will face and make their own contributions in their chosen fields. The second part consists of ...

Atal Bihari Vajpayee chayan sangrah sansad mein Atal Ji, 4 volumes

Atal Bihari Vajpayee chayan sangrah sansad mein Atal Ji, 4 volumes

ISBN: 9789355181350, 9355181353

Khand 1: 1957-1962 (ISBN 9789355181794); Khand 2: 1962-1967 (ISBN: 9789355181879); Khand 3: 1967-1970 (ISBN: 9789355181954); Khand 4: 1971-1973 (ISBN: 9789355182036).

The fragility of order: essays in honour of K.P.S. Gill,

The fragility of order: essays in honour of K.P.S. Gill,

ISBN: 9789387809734, 9387809730

This volume is an effort to honour K.P.S. Gill by keeping under continuous and rigorous scrutiny the many issues on which his career and his mind were focused. It brings together leading commentators and exceptional international scholarship on a wide range of contemporary issues relating to ongoing and emerging challenges of security in an increasingly uncertain global context.

Autobiographical notes and other writings of historical interest

Autobiographical notes and other writings of historical interest

Sri Aurobindo

ISBN: 9788170588276, 8170588278

Autobiographical writings of Mahatma Gandhi

Autobiographical writings of Mahatma Gandhi

Sharma, Rashmi

ISBN: 9788176294829, 8176294829

The mind in the world: selected writings, 4 vols.,

The mind in the world: selected writings, 4 vols.,

Kakar, Sudhir

ISBN: 9789354974687, 9354974686

Vol.1: Sculpting Psychoanalysis in India, ed. by Jhuma Basak (ISBN 9789354974687). This volume of Kakar's work uhfolds his psychoanalytic journey comprising both his theoretical innovations and clinical speculations. Vol.2: Religion and Spirituality, ed. by Daniel Meckel (ISBN 9789354974694). This volume presents a collection of essential writings on religion and spirituality between psychoanal...

Avadhnarayana Mudgal samagra, 2 vols., ed. by Mahesh Darpan

Avadhnarayana Mudgal samagra, 2 vols., ed. by Mahesh Darpan

Mudgal, Avadhnarayan

ISBN: 9788189859510, 818985951X

Collection of stories, poems, songs, ghazals, articles, memoirs etc. of Mudgal (b.1939), a Hindi literateur and forma editor of `Sarika', a Hindi feature magazine.

Azad Hind: writings and speeches 1941-1943, ed. by Sisir K. Bose et al

Azad Hind: writings and speeches 1941-1943, ed. by Sisir K. Bose et al

Bose, Subhas Chandra

ISBN: 9788178242040, 8178242044

Selected words of Mahatma on culture and civilization

Selected words of Mahatma on culture and civilization

Joshi, Sachchidanand et al.

ISBN: 9788194428046, 8194428041

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