Viegas, Savia
Devi, Kasmiri
ISBN: 9788190157421, 8190157426
(Ambika Prasad Divya Rajat Puruskar Se Sammanit.)
ISBN: 9788171103140, 8171103146
Nandi, Tapasvi
ISBN: 9788185857138, 818585713X
Contains lectures delivered by the author on 'Abhidha' from the rhetorical angle alongwith different viewpoint of the ancient alamkarikas, including Acarya Hemacandra.
ISBN: 9788190175708, 819017570X
A synonymical Sanskrit dictionary, divided into six sections-- (i) Jaina gods. (ii) Brahmanical gods. (iii) Men (iv) Animals (v) Residents of the underworld and (vi) Abstract nouns.
Brahhachari, Silananda
Kaikini, Jayant
ISBN: 9789360458072, 9360458074
These are stories tinged with melancholy but lit with hope, capturing moments of transcendence in the midst of anonymity and routine.
ISBN: 9788121802512, 8121802512
A work on Sanskrit poetics.
This works is an extension of lectures on the Abhijnana-Sakuntala prepared for audio C.D. at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris during 2006-2009.
ISBN: 9788120805569, 8120805569
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