Fic, Victor M
Vol.1: The tantra, its origin, theories, art and diffusion from India to Nepal, Tibet, China, Mongolia, Japan and Indonesia.;;Vol.2: From Majapahit and Sukuh to Megawati Sukarnoputril continuity and change in Pluralism of religion, culture and politics of Indonesia from the XV to the XXI century.;;Vol.3: Anatomy of the Jakarta coup: October 01, 1965: the collusion with China which destroyed the...
Frawley, David
ISBN: 9788120834217, 8120834216
This book presents the deeper tradition of Tantra, its multi-dimensional vision of the Divine and its transformative practices of mantra and meditation that take us far beyond the outer models.
ISBN: 9788185990224, 8185990220
The Katha Upanishad says that man in the ordinary course looks outward but some seeking a greater life turn their gaze inward (avrttachakshu), and there they find the immortal life of their true Self. Yoga consists in developing this inward and upward look. Taking the celebrated Yogasutras of Patanjali as his framework, Sri Anirvan explains the eight limbs of Patanjala Yoga in the life of India...
'Sanjay', Jitendrakumar Singh
ISBN: 9789355188380, 9355188382
Burde, Jayant
ISBN: 9789391024765, 9391024769
Tantra is a heterodox system of worship. While its followers consider it as a potential source of acquiring spiritual and supernatural powers, in the minds of common people it evokes a mixture of awe and fear similar to the dread produced by black magic and sorcery. In this book the author analyses tanra using a structural approach from a neutral ground.
'Sanjay', Jitendrakumar Singh
ISBN: 9788190538640, 8190538640
Kumar, Pushpendra (b.1936)
Biblia Impex Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1963 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. We cater to demand for publications from not only India, but also Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read More...
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