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Your search for 'Tantra' as Keywords results 999 record(s)
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The yoga of Netra tantra: third eye and overcoming death

The yoga of Netra tantra: third eye and overcoming death

Baumer, Bettina Sharada

ISBN: 9788124609668, 8124609667

The Netra Tantra Tantra of the (Third) Eye (of Siva), also called Mrtyujit (Conqueror of Death), is one of the fundamental scriptures of non-dualist Kashmir Saivism or Trika. It is the only Tantra having the Third Eye of Siva as title and theme, and it contains three important chapters on Yoga, relating to three ways of overcoming death.

Le rituel de la devotion Krsnaite, (in French)

Le rituel de la devotion Krsnaite, (in French)

Joshi, Rasik Vihari

ISBN: 9788189968045, 8189968041

The present study illustrates the ritual aspects of the Krsna cult based primarily on Sanskrit sources such as the Puranas and Tantras, the Pancaratrasamhitas and the Haribhaktivilasa. It deals with initiation (diksa), with the rosary and the rite of purascarana, the construction of the temple of Krsna, elaboration, consecration and worship of his images, and with the bhakta.

Lekhak ka jantantra

Lekhak ka jantantra

Sobti, Krishna

ISBN: 9789387462472, 9387462471

Conversations with Krishna Sobti.

Life and teachings of Tsongkhapa, ed. by Robert A. Thurman

Life and teachings of Tsongkhapa, ed. by Robert A. Thurman

ISBN: 9788186470442, 8186470441

Brings together for the first time a number of extremely important and useful works by and on Tsongkhapa, touching the transcedental aspects of sutra, tantra and insight meditations including mystic conversations with great Bodhisattvas and spiritual songs in praise of Manjushri and Maitreya etc.

Mysterious world of Siddhas

Mysterious world of Siddhas

Lama, G.K.

ISBN: 9789391952211, 9391952216

In this book discussion was made about the origin and development of Buddhist Tantra, its divisions, literature, deities, geographical expansion of the cult, Siddha tradition and the life-sketch of eighty-four Siddhas.

Lok aur tantra

Lok aur tantra

Bhartiya, Rakes

ISBN: 9788179757031, 817975703X

Loktantra mem khoya loktantra (essays)

Loktantra mem khoya loktantra (essays)

Gaur, BL

ISBN: 9788183614016, 8183614019

Essays on current political issues.

Loktantra, apatkal aur Jaiprakasa Narain

Loktantra, apatkal aur Jaiprakasa Narain

Candra, Bipan

ISBN: 9788179756645, 8179756645

The Manidarpana (Sabdaparichchheda) of Raja Chudamanimakhin, Samsodhakah by T. Ganapati Shastri, text in Sanskrit

The Manidarpana (Sabdaparichchheda) of Raja Chudamanimakhin, Samsodhakah by T. Ganapati Shastri, text in Sanskrit

ISBN: 9789391512460, 9391512461

The present work manidarpana is very useful to understand the Chintamani written by Gangeshopadhyaya. This commentary clarified the siddhantas that are very tough to understand from Chintamani. Manidarpana was written in lucid manner for the sake of students. The famous author has also written a commentary called Tantraq sikhamani on [Kumarila's Tantravarttika on] Jaimini's Purvamimamsa sutras....

The magical power of chakra healing

The magical power of chakra healing

Dala, Cyndi

ISBN: 9788178221212, 8178221217

Mahamantra Namokar: scientific treatise (in Hindi), ed. by Kusum Jain

Mahamantra Namokar: scientific treatise (in Hindi), ed. by Kusum Jain

Jain, Ravindra Kumar

ISBN: 9788185781051, 8185781052

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