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Your search for 'Tantra' as Keywords results 1014 record(s)
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Shreya sadhak: Kabir (in Hindi)

Shreya sadhak: Kabir (in Hindi)

Sarma, Ramnath Ghurelal

Shri Krishna-Arjuna samvad (Bhagvad Gita); comments by Hari Krishan Suchdeva

Shri Krishna-Arjuna samvad (Bhagvad Gita); comments by Hari Krishan Suchdeva

ISBN: 9788172760519, 8172760515

Selected Contents: (i) The Yoga of the despondency of Arjuna (ii) The Yoga of action (iii) The Yoga of renunciation of action (iv) The Yoga of discriminative knowledge (v) The Yoga of the vision of universal form (vii) The Yoga of distinction between the field and the knower of the field (viii) The Yoga of attaining Purshottama (ix) The Yoga of the division of the three fold faith.;

Shri Sai Baba, tr. from Gujarati by V.B. Kher

Shri Sai Baba, tr. from Gujarati by V.B. Kher

Ananda, Swami Sai Sharan (1889-1982)

ISBN: 9788120719507, 8120719506

On Sai Baba of Shirdi, a saint who was known as a miracle worker and healer.;

Ramakrishna on Non-doership

Ramakrishna on Non-doership

Sachdeva, Gautam

ISBN: 9789382742579, 9382742573

God alone is the doer, and none else... SRI RAMAKRISHNA PARAMAHAMSA;;Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) is one of the most revered sages of 19th century India. A renowned mystic and yogi, he was considered an avatar, a divine incarnation. He was influenced by several ancient spiritual traditions such as Bhakti (which included his supreme devotion toward the goddess Kali), Tantra, and Advaita V...

Expression of tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist art, 2 parts

Expression of tantra in Buddhism and Buddhist art, 2 parts

Lama, G.K.

ISBN: 9789391985523, 9391985521

In this book discussion was made about the origin and development of Buddhist Tantra, its divisions, literature, deities, and geographical expansion of the cult, Siddha tradition and the life-sketch of eighty-four Siddhas. The book is well supported by illustrations, maps and reliable information.

The Siva samhita, tr. into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu

The Siva samhita, tr. into English by Srisa Chandra Vasu

ISBN: 9789381406182, 9381406189

The work is one of the three major surviving classical treatises on the Hatha Yoga. It deals with the abstract yoga philosophies, tantra prectices, mudras and meditation.

Tantric forms of Ganesa: according to the Vidyarnavatantra

Tantric forms of Ganesa: according to the Vidyarnavatantra

Buhnemann, Gudrun (b.1955)

ISBN: 9788124604687, 8124604681

Sngags kyi spyi don rgyud sde rgya mtsho'i gru gzings zhes bya ba'i don bkral ba'i tshul du gsang chen rdo rje theg pa'i rnam bzhag gsal bar bstan pa rig 'dzin dga' ston zhes bya..

Sngags kyi spyi don rgyud sde rgya mtsho'i gru gzings zhes bya ba'i don bkral ba'i tshul du gsang chen rdo rje theg pa'i rnam bzhag gsal bar bstan pa rig 'dzin dga' ston zhes bya..

Gu Shri chos rje Blo bzang lhun grub

Title: bzhugs so: a festivity of Vidyadharas, a lucid commentary of general presentation of secret Vajrayana as elucidated in the Vessell Traversing the Ocean of Tantra, ed. by Ngawang Lungtok.

The Yonitantra

The Yonitantra

Schoterman, J.A.

ISBN: 9789388540957, 9388540956

Spiritual anthropology: the spiritual dimension of man

Spiritual anthropology: the spiritual dimension of man

Sahay, KN

ISBN: 9788171695140, 8171695140

Spiritual self-realisation

Spiritual self-realisation

Pareek, Jai Narain (b.1914)

ISBN: 9788186880555, 8186880550

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