Krishnamurthy, KH (b.1928)
ISBN: 9788176461771, 8176461776
A new methodology of pharmacolinguistics to solve the vexed problem of setting the botanical identity of ancient plant names of ayurvedic texts on rational basis.
ISBN: 9788174722249, 8174722246
ISBN: 9788121509794, 8121509793 Albrecht Wezler.;;Vol.1: Acaradhyaya. 752p., Vol.2: Vyavaharadhyaya. 372p.,; Vol.3: Prayascittadhyaya., 246p.,;
Chakravarty, Gita
ISBN: 9788171020911, 8171020917
This bibliography attempts to cover all publicastions concerning the Bangladesh movement from the period 1947-1997. Sources are presented under various category headings for both English and Bengali texts for convenience
Mus, Paul
ISBN: 9788120717848, 8120717848
ISBN: 9788185268781, 8185268789
Das, Sanjib Kumar
There are many terms and words used in the original texts and commentaries of the teachings of Lord Buddha, which are not sufficiently available in other languages except Tibetan. The author has compiled the Tibetan terms and words given in this book concerning Buddhist history, literature, religion and philosophy etc. and also translated them into Hindi and English.
ISBN: 9788177554588, 8177554581
Vol.1: A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge, by George Berkeley. Vols.2-3: An essay concerning human understanding, 2 parts, 6th ed., by John Locke. Vol.4: Early Greek philosophy, by John Burnet. Vols.5-6: Laws, by Plato, 2 parts, tr. by Benjamin Jowett. Vol.7: Metaphysics, by Aristotle, tr. by W.D. Ross. Vol.8: The ethics: ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata, by Benedict de...
Lal, Banarsi (ed.)
ISBN: 9788187127383, 8187127384
ISBN: 9789380282350, 9380282354
ISBN: 9788121501736, 8121501733
ISBN: 9788120836891, 8120836898
It belongs to the School of the Taittiriya Krsna Yajurveda.
The portion containing new and full moon sacrifices on the srautasutras belonging to the Black Yajurveda.
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