Sharma, Madhulika
ISBN: 9788186782729, 8186782729
Smith, Colin
(1) copy ... 01.12.2004.
Dharma, Krishna
ISBN: 9781608873838, 1608873838
Replete with inspired illustrations by award-winning artists, this book features Krishna Dharma's dramatic retellings of pivotal ancient Indian stories of the many Hindu Goddesses. Adapted from ancient Sanskrit texts, the stories this book represent one of the most fundamental aspects of Hinduism.
The film tries to decipher the Vaishnava, Buddhist monastic and the oral community traditions behind masks. Masks have been used to mediate between the self and the other, life and death, prototypes and archetypes; to individuate the collective; and, to effect semiotic, metempsychotic, theatrical transformation in personal identities. The film presents the social, theological and iconographical...
Tola, Fernando et al.
ISBN: 9788120819672, 8120819675
This work is intended to the study of the Yogacara Buddhist philosophy together with its commentaries and notes for better comprehensibility of the contents of three edited and translated texts, namely, Alambanapariksavrtti of Dignaga: the Vimsatika Vijnaptimatratasiddhih of Vasubandhu and Trisvabhavakarika of Vasubandhu.
Dipratnasagar, Srutsthvirsri
Shrivatsa, Satya Pal
ISBN: 9788183155632, 8183155634
Ravanarjuniyam is a Mahakavya containing twenty seven cantos. It begins with invocation to Goddess Tripurasundari. It narrates the story of Kartaviryajuna and illustrates almost the whole astadhyayi of Panini as Bhattikavya does. The works of Bhaumabhatt can be called a kavyasastra according to the classification given by the Ksemendra...
Roy, Ramashray
Order in the Vedic perspective is the consequence of the linkage between the finite world of meaning and the absolute as the source of meaning. The book explores this linkage as reflected in the Vedic literature.;
1 copy .... 16.11.2004.
David, Richard H.
ISBN: 9780691139968, 0691139962
The author highlights the place of this legendary dialogue in classical Indian culture, and then examines how it has lived on in diverse settings and contexts.
... by Acarya Maha-prajna, English tr. by Muni Mahendra Kumar et al., English version edited by Muni Mahendra Kumar.
ISBN: 9788189667085, 8189667084 Acarya Mahaprajna and English tr. by Muni Mahendra Kumar.
ISBN: 9788185857121, 8185857121
A study of important Jain Agam: Bhagavatisutra.
... Abhayadevasuri), ed. and annotator Acharya Mahaprajna
Acarya Tulsi
.... appendices- Indices etc.), ed. and annotated by Acarya Mahaprajna
..indices etc., synod chief: Acarya Tulsi, ed. and annotator: Acharya Mahaprajna.
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