ISBN: 9788187586128, 8187586125
...Civilization, Vol.2, part III;;;This volume on Theistic Vedanta, which is a sequel to the earlier volume on Advaita Vedanta, contains three sections: the first one explains the heritage of Saivism and Vaisnavism, the second one highlights the God-man-world relation through a variety of doctrines and arguments as formulated by the illustrious preceptors of Vaisnava and Saiva traditions, and t...
ISBN: 9788124608470, 8124608474
The book contains the reflection and reminiscences on the life and legend of Prof. Koneru Ramakrishna Rao by some of his students, colleagues and fellow scholars who are familiar with him and his work. Prof. Rao is an internationally acclaimed academic visionary who excelled in vastly different areas that include Psychology, Philosophy, Yoga, Education.
Clooney, Francis X
ISBN: 9788185427591, 8185427593
ISBN: 9788175051898, 8175051892
Atmaramananda et al.;;Contents: (i) Science, philosophy, psychology (ii) Art, culture, religion (iii) Comparative perspectives (iv) The holy trinity (iv) Saints and sages.;
Ganeri, Jonardon
ISBN: 9788120841222, 8120841220
The author examines theories of meaning of artha. He discusses approaches in different schools of thought: Grammarian, Mimamsika, Buddhist, early Naiyayika, Navya Naiyayika, and Vedantin, highlighting the significance between `word' and `meaning/knowing/knowledge'.
ISBN: 9788120814431, 8120814436
This book is a compendium dealing with the topics of Purva Mimamsa. Being a text for beginners, the language is characterized by simplicity and brevity, even in the treatment of difficult problems.
This work is a manual of Purvamimamsa following the Bhatta tradition.
Desavala, Jagavanti (b.1962)
ISBN: 9788190208543, 8190208543
The main aim of the book is to recompose the Sastras making them convenient and present to the mankind, so that the material life and the spiritual practice may mix together without undermining and renouncing the scientific ways prescribed by the Sastras.
ISBN: 9788185952284, 8185952280
Atmatattvaviveka is a voluminous philosophical treatise in Sanskrit which seeks to defend the Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of self by critically examining and refuting the Buddhist doctrine of universal momentariness.;
ISBN: 9788184702101, 8184702108
... Sr; 58. The book is a supplement by Gadadhara Bhattacarya (circa 1604-1709) to the commentary Didhiti on the Tattva Cintamani written by the great philosopher Raghunatha Siromani (circa 1477-1547), deals with the interpretation of avacchedakatva, the individuality of invariable concomitance in interface (vyapti), elaborating upon Raghunatha Siromani's treatment of the topic.
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