ISBN: 9789350980705, 9350980703
This volume contains articles and monographs on Central Asian and Indian art, South Indian and Sri Lankan art and finally maritime trade in the Indian Ocean. The author, while documenting thousands of coins in the Pakistani markets from 1992 onwards, has made an attempt to link numismatics with sculptural and pictorial iconography.
ISBN: 9789350980699, 935098069X
The book comprises Osmund Bopearachchi's most important articles on the numismatics of Central Asia and India, particularly of pre-Bactrian, Graeco-Bactrian, Indo-Greek, Indo-Parthian and Kushan coins. There are 36 articles on numismatics and 3 on the destruction of Afghanistan's cultural heritage during the period of Civil War.
Fonia, R.S.
ISBN: 9788195534807, 8195534805
Burzahom was the first neolithic habitation site of its kind in Kashmir, excavated by T.N. Khazanchi of Archaeological Survey of India from 1960 to 1971. Burzahom is recognised as a unique site with fascinating traces of habitation, especially adopted to face long, cold isolated winters of the Himalayas. The Neolithic people of Burzahom created pit-dwellings, buried their pets, produced in long...
Hirano, Shinji
ISBN: 9788186786253, 8186786252
Sinha, Sutapa (ed.)
The present catalogue is a classified catalogue of the gold coins now preserved in the Society's cabinet. Most of these are pagodas and fanams of South India, presumably collected from Tipu Sultan's Treasury long ago. There are also two Kushana gold-coins of the 3rd century A. D., Indo-British Star Pagodas, Afghan-Durrani coins, a few Ottoman gold coins. Venetian gold ducats, of Malay, and a fe...
Paruck, Furdoonjee D.J.
ISBN: 9789394262331, 9394262334
Information on Sasanian numismatics has been published in journals of various societies across Europe, especially in France, Germany and Russia, but is not available in the form of books. This book has been under-represented in the English literature of coins. This has posed a serious challenge for those who have acquired Sasanian-era coins as well as those who seek them.
Reddy, Deme Raja
ISBN: 9789391123567, 9391123562
One of the most illustrious dynasties of ancient India, the Satavahanas ruled over Dakshinapatha and central India and they left behind such great works of art as the famous Sanchi and Amaravathi stupas and rock cut temples in western India.
ISBN: 9789350980576, 9350980576
The present volume contains 34 papers of Hodivala which were published over a span of 18 years (between 1915 and 1933). Most of these articles deal with the mint-towns of the Mughals. This volume provides a much needed fillip in rekindling serious research in Mughal numismatic based on original sources that Hodivala so zealously propounded.
Sharma, Aruna
ISBN: 9788186867907, 8186867902
This book is primarily a numismatic study aimed to project the history of Mathura, it nevertheless integrates the resource bank provided by literary, archaeological and epigraphic pursuits of the period.
Sharma, Savita
ISBN: 9788173055461, 8173055467
An earthen pot containing 333 ancient silver punch-marked coins was found in July 1997, from Sarai Dangri village, Varanasi while digging the foundation of a primary school building. These coins were handed over to Bharat Kala Bhavan, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in 1998 by the District Magistrate of Varanasi. The study of these coins forms the subject matter of this volume. Coins in this...
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