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Your search for 'Buddhism: Text Tibetan' as Keywords results 1647 record(s)
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Bshes 'phrin rnam bshad

Bshes 'phrin rnam bshad

Rje btsun Ta ra na tha

ISBN: 9787105111121, 7105111127

Bskal-bzan rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama VII (1708-57)             Rgyal ba bskal bzan rgya mtsho'i gsun Rdo rje 'jigs byed dpa'bo gcic pa bdud las rnam rgyal gyi dkyil chog las bdag...

Bskal-bzan rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama VII (1708-57) Rgyal ba bskal bzan rgya mtsho'i gsun Rdo rje 'jigs byed dpa'bo gcic pa bdud las rnam rgyal gyi dkyil chog las bdag...

'jug bya tshul 'don sgrigs nag po 'gros ses su bkod pa;;;;;Ritual for the propitiation (sadhana) of Vajrabhairava according to an esoteric tradition of Dge-lugs pa sect;

Bskyed rim spyi'i rnam bzhag: two instructions on the development stage practice of the Mantrayana tradition

Bskyed rim spyi'i rnam bzhag: two instructions on the development stage practice of the Mantrayana tradition

Zhe chen rgyal tshab et al.

ISBN: 9788174721181, 8174721185

The two texts presented here contain essential instructions on the visualization and recitation practices pertaining to the bskyed rim aspect of the mantrayana tradition.

Bslab bya'i skor

Bslab bya'i skor

Rje tsong Kha pa sogs kyis

ISBN: 9787542012142, 7542012142

Bslu bring

Bslu bring

Pad ma bstan tshe

Bstan 'gyur gso rig gces btus

Bstan 'gyur gso rig gces btus

Sha li ho dra

ISBN: 9787105090464, 7105090464

Bstan bchos kyi skor

Bstan bchos kyi skor

Gung thang bstan pa sgron me et al.

ISBN: 9787542012128, 7542012126

Bstan bcos chen po dbu ma la 'jug pa gsal bar byed pa theg chen rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru rdzings zes bya ba bzugs so

Bstan bcos chen po dbu ma la 'jug pa gsal bar byed pa theg chen rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru rdzings zes bya ba bzugs so

Ngag dban blo bzan rgya mtsho ...

Author: ...(The Vth Dalai Lama);;Reproduced from a Lhasa Zhol edition preserved by the Library at the office of his holiness the Dalai Lama.

Bstan bcos mngon rtogs rgyan rtsa 'grel rnams gsal bar byed pa Blo bzang dgongs rgyan gdong lnga'i dbang po'i sgra dbyangs zes bya ba bzugs so

Bstan bcos mngon rtogs rgyan rtsa 'grel rnams gsal bar byed pa Blo bzang dgongs rgyan gdong lnga'i dbang po'i sgra dbyangs zes bya ba bzugs so

Ngag dban blo bzan rgya mtsho ....

...(The Vth Dalai Lama);;;Reproduced from a Lhasa Zhol edition preserved by the Library at the office of his holilness the Dalai Lama.

Bstan pa spyi 'grel gyi 'grel ba

Bstan pa spyi 'grel gyi 'grel ba

Gha rung pa lha'i rgyal mtshan

ISBN: 9787105111152, 7105111151

Bstan srung dang blangs dmag

Bstan srung dang blangs dmag

Spyi zur Blo bzang bstan dzin

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