'jug bya tshul 'don sgrigs nag po 'gros ses su bkod pa;;;;;Ritual for the propitiation (sadhana) of Vajrabhairava according to an esoteric tradition of Dge-lugs pa sect;
Zhe chen rgyal tshab et al.
ISBN: 9788174721181, 8174721185
The two texts presented here contain essential instructions on the visualization and recitation practices pertaining to the bskyed rim aspect of the mantrayana tradition.
Khenpo Karten Rinpoche
ISBN: 9789994673308, 9994673300
Bri gun skyab mgon don grub chos rgyal
Pad ma bstan tshe
Rje 'jam dbyangs rgya mtsho
ISBN: 9787105104673, 7105104678
Ngag dban blo bzan rgya mtsho ...
Author: ...(The Vth Dalai Lama);;Reproduced from a Lhasa Zhol edition preserved by the Library at the office of his holiness the Dalai Lama.
rje-btsun Chos-Kyi rGyal-mTshan dpal....
Author : ...bZang po; ;Title : ...bya ba, 2 vols;;
Ngag dban blo bzan rgya mtsho ....
...(The Vth Dalai Lama);;;Reproduced from a Lhasa Zhol edition preserved by the Library at the office of his holilness the Dalai Lama.
Spyi zur Blo bzang bstan dzin
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