bsdens zus pa;;;Collected addresses of the Dalai Lama XIV on the correct application and;practice of Rdo-rje-sugs-ldan rtsal, the protective diety of the Dge-lugs-pa sect of Tibet;
Collection of XIVth Dalai Lama's speeches and interiews on general views of Buddhist doctrines;
Dialectial analysis of Madhyamika philosophy, a prescribed manual text of the Ser-mad-Grwa-tshan of Se-ra Monastery.
Kun mkhyen dri med od zer
Tson Kha lha mo tshe rin
ISBN: 9788186227299, 8186227296
rgyus deb phren dan po bzugs, Part I (1960-1974), ed. by Tashi Tshering.;;An account of the establishment of the Tibetan National Volunteer Defence Force in Mustang and operations against the Communist Chinese inside. ;;
Tsong Kha lha mo tshe ring
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rgyus deb phren gnyis pa bzugs, Part II (1960-1974), ed. by Tashi Tshering;;An account of the establishement of the Tibetan National Volunteer Defence Force in Mustang and operations against the Communist Chinese inside Tibet.
Tsong kha Lha mo Tsering
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.... rgyus Resistance, Vol.8, ed. by Tashi Tshering
Tsong kha Lha mo Tsering
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.... rgyus Resistance, Vol.7, ed. by Tashi Tshering
Gyu thog gsar ma yon tan mgon po
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Series: ...tshogs; 12.
Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub (1209-1364)
History of the origin, growth and development of Buddhism in Tibet;
Slob dpon sems dpa' rdo rje
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Zabs-dkar-ba Tshogs-drug ran-grol
ston 'gyed rnams bzugs, collected instructions on the practice of esoteric Buddhism;;;;Reproduced from a manusripts from the library of Dbu-mdzad Blo-gros of Yol-mo;;;
Rje tson kha pa Blo bzan grags pa
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