ISBN: 9788192969718, 8192969711
The Conference was organized by Department of Pali, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Nalanda and Central of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi. We as the members of the board of editors of the Buddhist Texts and Traditions deeply regret and sincerely apologise to Prof. Noriyuki Kudo and Prof. John Brough for including the article entitled Mahakarmavibhangasutra: ...
ISBN: 9788121701556, 8121701554
ISBN: 9788185268347, 8185268347
by Asha Das.;
Kusuma, Bhikkhuni
ISBN: 9789550393053, 9550393054
This book examines the story of the foundation of the bhikkhuni order related to the chapter on bhikkhunis in the Vinaya Pitaka.
ISBN: 9789553058782, 9553058787
ISBN: 9788185163956, 8185163952
Contents: Volume 1: Chapter 1: Geography of the Early Tipitakas; Chapter 2: The Cosmography, 3 sections; Chapter 3: Contemporary Religious Practices, 3 sections; Chapter 4: Social Organization, 3 sections, ;Volume 2: Chapter 1: Material Culture, 2 sections; Chapter 2: Social interaction, 3 sections; Chapter 3: Economic resources and organization, 5 sections; Chapter 4: Political Institutions an...
ISBN: 9788172701567, 817270156X
This book gives details about the birth of Bodhisattva and his attainment of Buddhatva.
ISBN: 9789558129821, 9558129828
Sharan, Mahesh Kumar (b.1944)
ISBN: 9788170174752, 8170174759
The sacred book of Buddhists on `The Way to Nirvana'.
ISBN: 9788170801733, 8170801737
.......Swami Dwarikadas Sastri.
Thera, Narada
ISBN: 9789380336374, 9380336373
ISBN: 9788121504768, 8121504767
Pathak, OP (ed.)
ISBN: 9788121701730, 8121701732
Translation of verses into English from Pali has been copied from Sacred Books of the East, Vol.10, by F. Max Muller, 1870.
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