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Subhuticandra's Kavikamadhenu on Amarakosa 1.1.1-1.4.8: together with Si tu Pan chen's Tibetan translation, edited and introduced by Lata Mahesh Deokar

The Kavikamadhenu (composed between 1050 and 1120) is the longest and perhaps most important commentary on the Amarakosa. It quotes from almost 200 authorities and sources. So far less than 20 per cent of the Sanskrit text is accessible, although much more is extant in Tibet. The above-mentioned work is based on a precious codex unicus from Tibet. A sequel, based on a fragmentary Indian manuscr...

Series: Indica Et Tibetica; 55

Publisher: Indica et Tibetica Verlag

USD 50.00

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Title: Subhuticandra's Kavikamadhenu on Amarakosa 1.1.1-1.4.8: together with Si tu Pan chen's Tibetan translation, edited and introduced by Lata Mahesh Deokar

ISBN 13: 9783923776566

ISBN 10: 392377656X

Series: Indica Et Tibetica; 55

Year: 2014

Pages etc.: xiv+594p., bibl., ind., 25cm.

Binding: Hardbound

Place of publication: Marburg

Publisher: Indica et Tibetica Verlag

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