Krishnamurthy, Salva
Ann. This volume, the second in the series, deals with the Age of Sivakavis and the Age of Tikkana and covers some thirty-seven Telugu poets, apart from a host of anonymous inscriptional poets and a few of Telugus who wrote in Sanskrit. Som ewho flourished before 1400 A.D. but whose periods are very uncertain are also included at the end of the volume.
Publisher: Institute of Asian Studies
USD 46.50
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Title: A history of Telugu literature, Vol.2, (1108A.D.-1320A.D.), ed. by Shu Hikosaka et al
Author: Krishnamurthy, Salva
Year: 1996
Pages etc.: vi,218p., bib., ind., 23cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Madras
Publisher: Institute of Asian Studies
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