Brecher, Max (1948- )
Contents: (i) Last things first (ii) Go East, Young Man Go East (iii) Unsettling the west (iv) Words in collision (v) Justice with a vengeance (vi) Paranoia (vii) Rumors with a view (viii) Gunning for the holy smoke (ix) Forgetting about the unthinkable (x) The importance of being earnest (xi) In Spain, Mainly on the plane (xii) Epilogue.;
Publisher: Book Quest Publishers
USD 41.00
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Title: A passage to America: A radically new look at Bhagwan Sree R ajnish and a controversial American Commune
Author: Brecher, Max (1948- )
Year: 1993
Pages etc.: vi, 407p., (6)pls., (2)maps, bib., 23cm.
Binding: Paperback
Place of publication: Bombay
Publisher: Book Quest Publishers
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