Zabs-dkar-ba Tshogs-drug ran-grol
ston 'gyed rnams bzugs, collected instructions on the practice of esoteric Buddhism;;;;Reproduced from a manusripts from the library of Dbu-mdzad Blo-gros of Yol-mo;;;
Publisher: Lama Dawa and Chopal Lama
USD 41.00
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Title: Bya btan tshogs drub ran grol gyis ran dan skal ldan gdul bya la mgrin pa gdams pa'i ban mdzod nas glu dbyans dga,......
Author: Zabs-dkar-ba Tshogs-drug ran-grol
Year: 1984
Pages etc.: 522p., 7x37cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Darjeeling
Publisher: Lama Dawa and Chopal Lama
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