The 103 maps are presented in 16 sections viz. general, population distribution, density and growth, household size, fertility, marital status, sex and age structure, working age population, urbanisation, migration, literacy, work participation, primary sector, secondary and tertiary sectors, scheduled castes and tribes, religion and housing. Data have been presented in the maps by using chorop...
Publisher: Controller of Publications
USD 49.00
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Title: Census Altal 1991: India by M. Vijayanunni
Year: 1999
Pages etc.: vi,243p., (103)col.maps(4 folded), 54x43cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Delhi
Publisher: Controller of Publications
Biblia Impex Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1963 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. We cater to demand for publications from not only India, but also Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read More...
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