Edited/Translated by: ed. by Ines Konczak-Nagel, Satomi Hiyama, Astrid Klein
This volume is dedicated to Prof.Dr. Monika Zin, an outstanding art historian of international standing in the field of early Buddhist art south and central Asia. In her numerous publications. She examines art objects and their iconography in connection with literary sources. Cultural, religious, and historical backgrounds, as well as the transregional networks of the early Buddhist world conce...
Publisher: Dev Publishers & Distributors
USD 157.50
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Title: Connecting the Art, Literature and Religion of South and Central Asia: studies in honour of Monika Zin
Edited/Translated by: ed. by Ines Konczak-Nagel, Satomi Hiyama, Astrid Klein
Year: 2022
Language: English
Pages etc.: 447p.,
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Dev Publishers & Distributors
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