Selected contents: 1. K. Achla Misri Raina: Optimality of language design: towards a unification. 2. Aditi Ghosh: Distribution of mid-vowels in Bengali and French. 3. Anuradha Sudharsan: Reported speech: Kannada vs English. 4. Dieter B. Kapp: Basic color terms in South Dravidian tribal languages. 5. George Tharakan et al.: Kinship terminology among the Syrian, Christians of Kerala: a analysis. ...
Publisher: Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture
USD 69.00
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Title: PILC Journal of Dravidic Studies, Vol.11:1 & Vol.11:2, January and July 2001, ed. by P. Marudanayagam et al
ISBN 13:
ISBN 10:
Year: 2003
Pages etc.: 230p., 24cm.
Binding: Paperback
Place of publication: Pondicherry
Publisher: Pondicherry Institute of Linguistics and Culture
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