The book covers the following topics:;1. Divinity of Bharatiya history and the scriptures.;2. Development of world civilizations and languages.;3. Perfection of Sanskrit language.;4. Impact of the British rule on Bharatiya scriptures.;5. Theories of creation and Bharatiya scriptures.;6. Bharatiya chronology.;7. Creation and history as in the Bhagwatam.;8. Sanatan Dharm.;
Publisher: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd
USD 45.50
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Title: The true history and the religion of India: a concise encyclopedia of authentic Hinduism, by Swami Prakashanand Saraswati
ISBN 13: 9780230630659
ISBN 10: 0230630650
Year: 2007
Pages etc.: Reprint: 808p., (4)col. pls., (50)ill., (4)maps, gloss., ind., 25cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Macmillan Publishers India Ltd
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