Kogata, R.N et al
This collection of 100 quotations on home, hearth and good family management with thematic paintings presents the near and dear ones as a colourful bouquet of fragrant fragile flowers, interwoven intricately but inter-dependent for love, care, respect and inspiration for leading a happy, successful and productive life with smoother, stronger family ties.;
Publisher: D.K. Printworld
USD 23.50
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Title: Family: one hundred quotes and thoughts with one hundred paintings of Lord Ganesha
Author: Kogata, R.N et al
ISBN 13: 9788124606216
ISBN 10: 8124606218
Year: 2012
Language: English
Pages etc.: 108p., full of col. illus., 17cm.
Binding: Paperback
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: D.K. Printworld
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