Elst, Koenraad (b.1959)
The ideological dimension of the Hindu revivalism has been mostly misrepresented or rather neglected in the ongoing debates on the subject. Thoroughly analysing the ideological statements of its advocates and their critique of the existing secular order, Dr. Koenraad Elst provides an overview of the ideas animating the movement. A period of rapid political changes that witnessed the rise of the...
Publisher: Rupa & Company
USD 29.50
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Title: Decolonizing the Hindu mind: ideological development of Hindu revivalism
Author: Elst, Koenraad (b.1959)
ISBN 13:
ISBN 10:
Year: 2016
Pages etc.: Reprint of 2001: xviii,658p., gloss., bibl., ind., 23cm.
Binding: Paperback
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Rupa & Company
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