Sankaranarayana, Manoj
This book is a pioneering attempt to narrate intricacies of the knowledge of diseases and to cognize those from an ayurvedic point of view. The first volume covers the fundamental aspects of ayurveda concepts of pathology and clinical diagnosis.
Series: Banaras Ayurved Series; 39
Publisher: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office
USD 36.00
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Title: Roga vijnana and vikriti vijnana, Vol.1, foreword by K. Rajagopalan
Author: Sankaranarayana, Manoj
ISBN 13: 9788170802310
ISBN 10: 8170802318
Series: Banaras Ayurved Series; 39
Year: 2007
Pages etc.: xviii,577p., 25cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Varanasi
Publisher: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office
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