Konchhog Lhadrepa
Title: ...School Manual for the basic gradual stages of study of deity drawing.;;The author has compiled many teachings from some of the great masters of Tibet, as well as drawing from his own experiences of 35 years as a thangka painter under the instruction of H.H. Dilgo Khyenntre Rinpoche, to create this manual for sacred artist.
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Title: Tshe ring bzo rigs slob grwa'i lha sku bzheng thabs kyi sngon `gro nag `gros su bkod pa thar pa'i lam ston chen mo zhes bya ba bzhugs so: the path to liberation, the Tsering Art...
Author: Konchhog Lhadrepa
ISBN 13: 9788174721242
ISBN 10: 817472124X
Year: 2005
Pages etc.: xxiv,382p., (121)p. of ill., 29cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
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