Shashi, SS
Contents: (i) Some less-known tribes of Kerala (ii) Jenu Kurubas of Mysore (iii) A few notes on the today (iv) Some tribes of Calicut and Cannahore (v) Transition of tribes of Kerala (vii) Economic life of Urali tribals (viii) Malavetans of Travancore (ix) Glimpses of Kadar tribesmen (x) The Malanarayan tribe (xi) Organization and leadership (xii) Profiles of Kadar tribesmen (xiii) Life and cus...
Series: Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribes Series; 11
Publisher: Anmol Publications
USD 43.00
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Title: Tribes of the southern highlands
Author: Shashi, SS
ISBN 13: 9788174880208
ISBN 10: 8174880208
Series: Encyclopaedia of Indian Tribes Series; 11
Year: 1995
Pages etc.: viii,309p., 23cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Anmol Publications
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