Prasad, Rajendra
Series: ...Civilization, Vol.XII Part 1 / Gen. ed.: D.P. Chattopadhyaya.;;Using reconstructive ideas available in classical Indian original works, this book makes a departure in the style of modern writings on Indian moral philosophy. It presents Indian ethics, in an objective, secular, and wherever necessary, critical manner as a systematic down-to-earth, philosophical account of moral values,...
Series: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian ....
Publisher: Centre for Studies in Civilizations
USD 54.00
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Title: A conceptual-analytic study of Classical Indian philosophy of morals
Author: Prasad, Rajendra
ISBN 13: 9788180695445
ISBN 10: 8180695441
Series: History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian ....
Year: 2008
Pages etc.: xxvii,453p., bibl., ind., 29x22cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Centre for Studies in Civilizations
Biblia Impex Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1963 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. We cater to demand for publications from not only India, but also Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read More...
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