Baker, G.P.
booklet, 116p., 23X30cm.;Portfolios, (37) pls., 28X38cm.;In 1921, George P.Baker, a prominent UK manufacturer of patterned textiles, published Calico Painting and Printing in the East Indies in XVII and XVII Centuries, which superbly illustrated, in a large format, several dozen Indian chintzes from his textile collection. Baker hoped to place 'in the hands of students of designs a set of facsi...
Publisher: Sarabhai Foundation
USD 126.75
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Title: Calico painting and printing in the East Indies in XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries
Author: Baker, G.P.
ISBN 13: 9788186980491
ISBN 10: 8186980490
Year: 2013
Pages etc.: Reprint of London 1921: app., ind.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Ahmedabad
Publisher: Sarabhai Foundation
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