Collaco, Bevinda et. al. (ed.)
Mario the cartoonist, creator of Miss Fonseca, Bundaldass, Miss Nimbupani and a host of other characters is well known. But few know Mario Miranda the illustrator and documenter of life as he sees it. This book contains the illustrations by Mario who documented Bombay of the seventies and eighties, captured forever, life in Paris, Jerusalem, Frankfurt, Berlin, Lisbon, Macau, Singapore, Tokyo, N...
Publisher: Architecture Autonomous
USD 79.00
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Title: Mario de Miranda
Author: Collaco, Bevinda et. al. (ed.)
ISBN 13: 9788190183000
ISBN 10: 8190183001
Year: 2008
Pages etc.: 284p., full of col. and b&w pls., 32x25cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Goa
Publisher: Architecture Autonomous
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