Chattopadhyay Santi Nath (ed.)
Present work deals with evaluation of ideas and ideals of Swami Vivekananda from intercultural perspective. It examines Swamiji's views about the problems and prospect of man and his existence and freedom from scientific, religious and philosophical with socio-cultural view-points of noted scholars and thinkers from India and abroad with a critical and comparative analysis of the East and the W...
Publisher: Sagnik Books
USD 25.00
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Title: Understanding Vivekananda: a sesquicentennial exploration
Author: Chattopadhyay Santi Nath (ed.)
ISBN 13: 9788192369037
ISBN 10: 819236903X
Year: 2013
Pages etc.: xiv+320p., (5) col. pls., ind., 22cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: Kolkata
Publisher: Sagnik Books
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