Devare, Hema
Textiles have been the binding factor in the cultural history of India and Southeast Asia from times immemorial. As the foremost currency they were carried by the traders from the banks of river Ganga to the fertile areas around the river Mekong and to the rich spice islands of Suvarnadwipa, Indonesia. Over the centuries, these textiles turned into vehicles of culture that built the foundation ...
Publisher: Manohar Publishers & Distributors
USD 79.50
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Title: Ganga to Mekong: a cultural voyage through textiles, foreword by Kapila Vatsyayan
Author: Devare, Hema
ISBN 13: 9789350981085
ISBN 10: 9350981084
Year: 2016
Pages etc.: 218p., 23cm.
Binding: Hardbound
Place of publication: New Delhi
Publisher: Manohar Publishers & Distributors
Biblia Impex Pvt. Ltd. was started in 1963 to export Indian books and publications to all over the world. We cater to demand for publications from not only India, but also Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Read More...
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