Pant, Mohan
The present work on the town of Thimi of Kathmandu Valley was completed in 2002 as a PhD dissertation in Kyoto University. Kathmandu Valley, which in early history was the proper Nepal, is known to have been inhabited long before the beginning of epigraphic history of the nation. The existence of numerous settlements in prehistoric periods may be gleaned through chronicles, inscriptions of anci...
Series: Himalayan Traditions and Culture Sr.; 15
Publisher: Saraf Foundation for Himalayan Traditions and Culture
USD 40.50
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Title: Thimi, community and structure of a town: Kathmandu Valley
Author: Pant, Mohan
ISBN 13: 9789937065917
ISBN 10: 9937065917
Series: Himalayan Traditions and Culture Sr.; 15
Year: 2019
Language: English
Pages etc.: xiv+181p., (23)pls., (56)illus., (9)tabs., appendices, bib., 25cm.
Binding: Paperback
Place of publication: Kathmandu
Publisher: Saraf Foundation for Himalayan Traditions and Culture
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