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Your search for 'Tantra' as Keywords results 1014 record(s)
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112 meditations for self realization: vigyan bhairava tantra, tr. and comm. by Ranjit Chaudhri

112 meditations for self realization: vigyan bhairava tantra, tr. and comm. by Ranjit Chaudhri

ISBN: 9788172344917, 8172344910

The Vigyan Bhairava Tantra is one of yoga's most important texts. It is an ancient text on yoga and meditation revealed by God centuries ago. It was written to show mankind how to reach a state of enlightenment.

Abhinavgupta's Hermeneutics of the absolute Anuttaraprakriya: an interpretation of his Paratrisika Vivarana, foreword by Andre Padoux, 2nd rev. ed.

Abhinavgupta's Hermeneutics of the absolute Anuttaraprakriya: an interpretation of his Paratrisika Vivarana, foreword by Andre Padoux, 2nd rev. ed.

Baumer, Bettina

ISBN: 9788124605721, 8124605726

The Paratrishika Vivarana, an extensive commentary by Abhinavagupta on the Tantra, is one of the most profound texts of Kashmir Shaivism, and of Indian philosophy and mysticism. The present work is an important contribution to studies and interpretations of texts on Kashmir Shaivism, its spirituality and



Jha, Kamlesh

ISBN: 9788186569795, 8186569790

Tantra in practice, U.K., 2000

Tantra in practice, U.K., 2000

White, David Gordon (ed.)

ISBN: 9788120817784, 8120817788

The first anthology of Tantric works ever to appear in English. The range of works represented here, spanning the continent of Asia and the traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam over more than a millennium.

Yantra-mantra-tantra in Buddhism

Yantra-mantra-tantra in Buddhism

Lama, G.K.

ISBN: 9789395276658, 9395276657

The book deals with origin and development of Tantrayana in Buddhism and throws light on the divisions of the Buddhist Tantra. It also describes the Buddhist tantric literature, images and paintings.

The Aksaratantra: a pratisakhya of Samaveda with vrtti

The Aksaratantra: a pratisakhya of Samaveda with vrtti

Sharma, Shri Krishan

ISBN: 9788186727072, 8186727078

Alocna ka loktantra

Alocna ka loktantra

Prasad, Kamla

ISBN: 9789380458212, 9380458215

The dance of Tantra and a Satguru

The dance of Tantra and a Satguru

Suresh, Padmaja

ISBN: 9789394797864, 9394797866

An ancient Indian system of rasayana: suvarnatantra a treatise on alchemy

An ancient Indian system of rasayana: suvarnatantra a treatise on alchemy

Palit Chittabrata et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9788178356921, 8178356929

Containts Sanskrit text of suvarnatantra, 16th century, its translation and interpretations with on epilogue on the colonial consequences of the mutation of Ayurveda.

An ancient Indian system of rasayana: Suvarnatantra a treatise  on alchemy

An ancient Indian system of rasayana: Suvarnatantra a treatise on alchemy

Palit, Chittabrata et al. (ed.)

ISBN: 9789788178356, 9788178356

Contains Sanskrit text of Suvarnatantra, 16th century, text,its translation;and interpretation with an epilogue on the colonial consequences of the ;mutation of Ayurveda.;;

Quest and reflections of the Sakti tattva: a study of the Sakti Siddhanta Agamic Sahasranama & Stotra Mimamsa

Quest and reflections of the Sakti tattva: a study of the Sakti Siddhanta Agamic Sahasranama & Stotra Mimamsa

Raina, Chaman Lal

ISBN: 9789383221431, 9383221437

A study of the Agamic-Sakti Siddhanta, Sahasranama-Paddhati and Stotram for understanding and analyzing the 'Sakti Tattva' popularly adored as the Divine Mother. This is to understood as the main source of all that exists, which is responsible for the creation of the universal flux, for the creation of the universal flux, with its sustenance power and further assimilating it within the Primal s...

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