Kashyap, Bhikkhu J
ISBN: 9788121703277, 8121703271
Tripathi, Ramshankar (ed.)
...and Ramasankara Tripathi, ed. by Ramasankara Tripathi.
This text is for the first time being brought out in Tibetan. It illustrates the Abhidhamma according to Pali texts, the Theravada traditon.
This work is a dictionary of synonisms in Pali alongwith the romanised text for the first time.
ISBN: 9788172701543, 8172701543
This book gives 142 tales in Pali related to Buddhist tradition.
ISBN: 9789552404054, 9552404053
The companion volume to this book, the Bhikkhu Patimokkha: a word by word translation, for those who wish to study the Patimokkha in greater depth.
ISBN: 9789552403767, 9552403766
The book is a comprehensive overview of the contents of the works that make up the Tipitaka, the Canon on the Theravada school of Buddhism. It also contains an index of the suttas and sections of the Tipitaka, as well as an extensive bibliography of the translations of canonical works and secondary literature.
Vol. 1: Ekaka-Duka-Tika Nipata. Vol. 2: Catukka-Pancaka Nipata. Vol. 3: Chakka-Sattaka-Atthaka-Nipata. Vol. 4: Navaka-Dasaka-Ekadasaka Nipata.
Sharma, Parmanand
ISBN: 9788186471159, 8186471154
Kamalasila is one of those distinguished acharyas who went to Tibet from India, stayed there and wrote scholarly treatises on Buddha dharma. Fortified with extensive quotes from innumerable sutras, it delineates the krama or sequence of meditational practice a seeker should undertake in order to attain sarvajnata, the true knowledge of things.
Tekstov, Sobranie Buddijskich
ISBN: 9788120809765, 8120809769
It is the most prestigious series of original Buddhist texts belonging mostly to Mahayana. It was started at the turn of the century by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.
ISBN: 9789552403774, 9552403774
The book is a translation of the Catubhanavara or Maha-pirit-pota, an anthology of selected discourses of the Buddha compiled by the teachers of old. These discourses are recited in temples and homes for the purpose of obtaining protection from all harm.
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