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Your search for 'Epics' as Keywords results 1341 record(s)
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Aspects of Indological Studies: classical literature, Dharmasastra and epics-Puranas

Aspects of Indological Studies: classical literature, Dharmasastra and epics-Puranas

Wadekar, Mukund Lalji

ISBN: 9788186050682, 818605068X

The present book incorporates many of such research papers of diverse subjects pertaining to different sastras like Vedanta, Classical literature, Purana, Dharmasastra and Technical literature.

Assam Vaisnavaism: sociological perspective

Assam Vaisnavaism: sociological perspective

Rastogi, TC

ISBN: 9788171171378, 8171171370

Contents: (i) Bhagvatam and Gita (ii) Assam over the centuries (iii) Sri Sankardeva and his disciple Madhavdeva (vi) Sri Sankardeva and Sri Madhavadeva (v) Other varieties of Vaisnavaism (vi) The satra institutions (vii) Namghar (viii) Performing arts and the satras (x) Principal satras (x) Srimad Bhagvatam (xi) The immortal epics (xii) All in all.;

Astadaspuranadarpana by Jwalaparshadri Misra

Astadaspuranadarpana by Jwalaparshadri Misra

A concise book giving information about all the eighteen puranas.

Avenues in Sanskrit literature

Avenues in Sanskrit literature

Panda, RK (ed.)

ISBN: 9788180901348, 8180901343

Contains thirty-two essays on topics related to Sanskrit and allied subjects. These include Vedas, epics, poetics, grammar, Buddhism etc.

Aesthetic textures: living traditions of the Mahabharata

Aesthetic textures: living traditions of the Mahabharata

ISBN: 9788124609989, 8124609985

The fascinating world of multiple Bharatas that this book introduces its readers with is that of a perennial tale discovered and created afresh at each juncture of time; at each moment of self-doubt and self-exploration; at each rejoicing of self-discovery and self-recovery. If one does not come across a seamless continuity here, one does not encounter apparent ruptures either. The Bharatas, as...

Balakanda: Ramayana as literature and cultural history

Balakanda: Ramayana as literature and cultural history

Raman, Varadaraja V

ISBN: 9788171547463, 817154746X

This erudite and engrossing narration of the Ramayana's Balakanda diverts from the linear recounting of events and delves into the intricacies of Hindu mythology revealing various facets of this extremely rich epic.;

The Mahabharata: a set of 10 contemporary books with Mahabharata stories,

The Mahabharata: a set of 10 contemporary books with Mahabharata stories,

ISBN: 9780143424789, 0143424785

The greatest Indian story ever told of a war between two factions of a family, The Mahabharata has continued to sway the imagination of its readers over the past centuries. While the dispute over land and kingdom between the warring cousi ns-the Pandavas and the Kauravas--forms the chief narrative, the primary concern of The Mahabharata is about the conflict of dharma. These conflicts are immen...

Sruti-sragdhara: spectra of Indic researches, Prof. Prafulla Kumar Mishra felicitation volume,

Sruti-sragdhara: spectra of Indic researches, Prof. Prafulla Kumar Mishra felicitation volume,

Mishra, Madhusudan

ISBN: 9788177024906, 8177024906

This volume is a token of love in appreciation of his scholarship and contribution to promote Sanskrit studies and Indian culture. The present volume contains fifty three selected research papers of the renowned scholars as well as young researchers encompassing a wide range of Indological research as Vedic and Ancillary literature, epics and purana literature, classical Sanskrit and poetics, g...

Beyond the trappings of office: a civil servant's journey in Punjab,

Beyond the trappings of office: a civil servant's journey in Punjab,

Kashyap, Rajan

ISBN: 9789391125585, 9391125581

The authors offers colourful vignettes of events behind the drab doors of officialdom. He depics the successes and failures of governments and individual protagonists in attaining power and sustaining it.

The Matsya Purana,

The Matsya Purana,

ISBN: 9789359440408, 935944040X

The Matsya Purana is one of the eighteen Mahapuranas. It is named after the Matsya Avatar, the fish incarnation of Lord Vishnu, which plays a significant role in Hindu mythology.

Bhagavannamamahatmya sangraha of Raghunathendra Yati, foreword by Mandan Mishra, ed. with 'Sudha' comm. by Ananta Sastri Phadake, 2nd edition

Bhagavannamamahatmya sangraha of Raghunathendra Yati, foreword by Mandan Mishra, ed. with 'Sudha' comm. by Ananta Sastri Phadake, 2nd edition

Presents a collection of names of Bhagvan in his Dasavataras collected from the entire Sanskrit literature.

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