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Texts M

Your search for 'Texts M' as Keywords results 3970 record(s)
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Aitareya Upanisad, with the original text in Sanskrit and Roman transliteration, translation with an extensive commentary by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad

Aitareya Upanisad, with the original text in Sanskrit and Roman transliteration, translation with an extensive commentary by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad

ISBN: 9788124601426, 8124601429

This critical commentary offering fresh insights into the essential teachings of the Aitareya Upanisad presents its original Sanskrit text along with Roman transliteration and a verse-to-verse translation in English.

A hermeneutical approach to Sri Madhvacarya's interpretation of the srutis

A hermeneutical approach to Sri Madhvacarya's interpretation of the srutis

SJ, Henry D'Almeida

ISBN: 9789395457262, 9395457260

The important issue explored in the book is the interpretation of the Srutis by Sri Madhvacarya (1238CE- 1317CE), the historical founder of the Dvaita Vedanta. The study specially focuses on Madhva's interpretation of the Rgveda, the Brahmasutras and the Upanisads in order to highlight his contribution to Sruti Hermeneutics.

Approaching the land of bliss: religious praxis in the cult  of Amitabha

Approaching the land of bliss: religious praxis in the cult of Amitabha

ISBN: 9788120831940, 8120831942

This book is a rich collection of studies of texts and ritual practices devoted to Amitabha, ranging from Tibet to Japan and from early medieval times to the present.

Apta-Mimamsa of Acharya Samantabhadra, ed. with introduction, transl., notes and an original comm. in English by Saratchandra Ghoshal

Apta-Mimamsa of Acharya Samantabhadra, ed. with introduction, transl., notes and an original comm. in English by Saratchandra Ghoshal

ISBN: 9788126307241, 8126307242

It expounds the Jaina concept of 'omniscient' in a philosophical-cum-logical manner.

Widows: a global history

Widows: a global history

Schipper, Mineke

ISBN: 9789354478161, 9354478166

From the very oldest written texts, widows have been lumped together with orphans, the emphasis being on their helplessness. The need to present women without husbands as inept and dependent must have been great, with jokes being made about this phenomenon millennia ago; no, a widow could not possibly live without a husband, but in her search for a new partner, she would make a fool of herself ...

The Aranyaka-s: a critical study, by Indu C. Deshpande

The Aranyaka-s: a critical study, by Indu C. Deshpande

This work attempts to present more or less complete analytical and critical study of the four Aranyakas, Atareya, Sankhayan, Taittriya and Brhadaranyaka.

The archaeology of Tibetan books

The archaeology of Tibetan books

Helman-Wazny, Agnieszka

ISBN: 9789004275041, 9004275045

In this book, the author explores the varieties of artistic expression, materials, and tools that have shaped Tibetan books over the millennia. Digging into the history of the bookmaking craft, the author approaches these ancient texts primarily through the lens of their artistry, while simultaneously showing them as physical objects embedded in pragmatic, economic, and social frameworks.

Architecture in medieval India: forms, contexts, histories

Architecture in medieval India: forms, contexts, histories

Juneja, Monica (ed.)

ISBN: 9788178240107, 8178240106

From the first half of the nineteenth century, the architectural history of medieval India has been the subject of diverse books, essays and miscellaneous writings. The present book pulls together the most significant of these writings, revealing the impressive array of historical ideas about India's past that has emerged through the study of its monuments.

Architecture in medieval India: forms, contexts, histories

Architecture in medieval India: forms, contexts, histories

Juneja, Monica (ed.)

ISBN: 9788178242286, 8178242281

This book pulls together diverse writings on the subject, revealing an impressive array of ideas about India's past through the study of its monuments.

The architecture of the Hindus, ed. and rev. edn., introduction by B.M. Pande

The architecture of the Hindus, ed. and rev. edn., introduction by B.M. Pande

Raz, Ram

ISBN: 9788173055492, 8173055491

Ram Raz's essay on Hindu architecture is a pioneering work based on the study of Hindu temple architecture as described in ancient texts on the subject. The volume, first published in 1834, has long been out-of-print and is being re-issued with a new introduction. The work is of outstanding value not withstanding the change in perception due to new material and research.

The arctic home in the Vedas

The arctic home in the Vedas

Tilak, Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar

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