ISBN: 9780835674553, 083567455X
Mallinatha and the Amarapadavivarana of Appayarya, critically ed. with introd. by A.A. Ramanathan.;
ISBN: 9788130700175, 8130700174
..superintendance of Ramakrishna Gopal Bhandarkar, rev., enl. and improved ed.
The present book is an abridged version containing important words and their synonyms that are used often.
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Fischer, Eberhard et al
ISBN: 9783907077214, 3907077210
The Amarushataka is a rich and complex anthology of Sanskrit poems with syntax and metaphors open to various interpretations; they can even be understood literally in many ways. We do not know which translations or commentaries were available to the painter and his learned contemporary.
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Mishra, Arun (b.1956)
This book is an untouched area of Indian logic, is the foundation of the Buddhist and Jaina theory of anumana.
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On the fundamentals of lingayats.
ISBN: 9788120814561, 8120814568
This volume presents an analysis of the central concept of the Upanisads, viz. the Brahman.
This work (12th cent.-13th cent. AD), is a voluminous work on all the aspects of Vastusastra, narrated by Visvakarman.
.... Hindi translation, explanatory notes, critical introduction and index by Umesha Chandra Pandeya.
Acharya, Parasanna Kumar
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