books on buddhism | Biblia Impex | Indology Publishers
Your search for 'buddhism' as Keywords results 5879 record(s)
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Abhidhamma for the beginner

Abhidhamma for the beginner

Baptist, Egerton C

Abhidhamma philosophy

Abhidhamma philosophy

Pandey, Satyendra Kumar

The present book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Dhamma contained in the Abhidhamma-pitaka, the basis of Abhidhamma philosophy.

The abhidhamma philosophy

The abhidhamma philosophy

Kashyap, Bhikkhu J

ISBN: 9788187032731, 8187032731

Abhidhamma principles in the theory and practice of meditation

Abhidhamma principles in the theory and practice of meditation

Banerjee, Rahul

ISBN: 9789380336596, 9380336594

Abhidhammatthasangaho of Aniruddhacarya, Vol.2, the original Pali text with Hindi and Tibetan transl. alongwith comm. Abhidhammakaumudini, ed. and tr. by Sempa Dorjee

Abhidhammatthasangaho of Aniruddhacarya, Vol.2, the original Pali text with Hindi and Tibetan transl. alongwith comm. Abhidhammakaumudini, ed. and tr. by Sempa Dorjee

This text is for the first time being brought out in Tibetan. It illustrates the Abhidhamma according to Pali texts, the Theravada traditon.

Abhidhanappadipika: a study of the text and its commentary by Bhikkhu Medagama Nandawansa

Abhidhanappadipika: a study of the text and its commentary by Bhikkhu Medagama Nandawansa

This work is a dictionary of synonisms in Pali alongwith the romanised text for the first time.

Abhidharma Sangitiparyayapadasastra of Sariputra, A-pi-da-mo jiyi men zu lun, (T. Vol.26, No.1536), Hindi tr. and its comparative and critical study by Lalji 'Shravak'

Abhidharma Sangitiparyayapadasastra of Sariputra, A-pi-da-mo jiyi men zu lun, (T. Vol.26, No.1536), Hindi tr. and its comparative and critical study by Lalji 'Shravak'

ISBN: 9789380282480, 9380282486

The present Hindi translation is based on the Chinese version of Xuan-Zang comprising 20 fascicles, which was translated between 660-663 C.E.

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