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Your search for 'classical indian' as Keywords results 1207 record(s)
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Mimamsakosah, 7 vols., text in Sanskrit,

Mimamsakosah, 7 vols., text in Sanskrit,

ISBN: 9788193181751, 8193181751

Text in Sanskrit.

Ramchandra Gandhi: the man and his philosophy

Ramchandra Gandhi: the man and his philosophy

Raghuramaraju, A. (ed.)

ISBN: 9780415824354, 0415824354

An eminent philosopher, Ramchandra Gandhi (1937-2007) was a relentless explorer of new ideas and genres.This volume brings together for the first time essays on Gandhi's earlier philosophical works and later writings, highlighting simultaneously his cultural, literary and artistic dimensions.

Rashvihary Das on Advaitism

Rashvihary Das on Advaitism

Saha, Sukharanjan (ed.)

Rasraj: Pandit Jasraj (Biography)

Rasraj: Pandit Jasraj (Biography)

Buddhiraja, Sunita

ISBN: 9789387889583, 9387889580

Biography of an Indian Classical singer.

Reason and experience in Indian philosophy

Reason and experience in Indian philosophy

Gupta, Bina

ISBN: 9788189963071, 8189963074

The book is a philological and critical analysis of two crucial philosophical concepts, viz., reason and experience.It demonstrates that Indian philosophy provides an account of the cognitive process that begins with perception and culminates in wisdom (highest experience).

A reconstruction of the third school of Purvamimansa

A reconstruction of the third school of Purvamimansa

Panse, Ujjvala

ISBN: 9788170302094, 8170302099

Sridharaswami: ekam adhyayanam, foreword in English

Sridharaswami: ekam adhyayanam, foreword in English

Das, Karunakar

ISBN: 9788183154802, 8183154808

Reflections on Indian wisdom: philosophical perspective, essays in hounour of G.C. Nayak

Reflections on Indian wisdom: philosophical perspective, essays in hounour of G.C. Nayak

Kar, Bijayananda (ed.)

ISBN: 9788173053320, 8173053324

A stimulative survey of different aspects of Indian wisdom and philosophy. It contains seventeen reflective essays by reputed indologists from India and abroad on issues pertaining to metaphysics, theology, philosophy and socio-political philosphy.

Reflections on vedic wisdom, ed. by Ratul Bujar Baruah et al

Reflections on vedic wisdom, ed. by Ratul Bujar Baruah et al

ISBN: 9788183153447, 8183153445

The volume contains some select papers presented at Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Nalbari, Assam on 9th-11th Febr., 2017 on topic: vedas--The source of oriental knowledge system.

The Mrichchhakatika of Sudraka with introd., critical essays and a photo essay by M. R. Kale et al.

The Mrichchhakatika of Sudraka with introd., critical essays and a photo essay by M. R. Kale et al.

ISBN: 9788120840102, 8120840100

Hailed as a Shakespearean play, written a few centuries before Shakespeare, Sudraka's Mrichchhakatika is one of the most significant Sanskrit dramas for more than a few reasons. Set in the ancient city of Ujjayani, Mrichchhakatika is rife with romance, comedy, intrigue and a political subplot detailing the overthrow of the city's despotic ruler by a shepherd, [and] is notable among extant Sansk...

The religions of India as known to Gunaratna

The religions of India as known to Gunaratna

Barthakuria, Apurba Chandra

ISBN: 9788186791882, 8186791884

On the philosophy and religions of India including Buddhism and Jainism by Gunaratna, a philosopher, writer and profound scholor belonging to 14-15 cent. AD.

Religious therapeutics: body and health in yoga, ayurveda and tantra

Religious therapeutics: body and health in yoga, ayurveda and tantra

Fields, Geogory P

ISBN: 9788120818750, 812081875X

Religious therapeutics explores the relationship between psychophysical health and spiritual and health presents a model for interpreting connections between religion and medicine in world traditions. This model emerges from the work's investigation of health and religiousness in classical yoga, Ayurveda, and Tantra-Three Hindu traditions note worthy for the central role they accord the body. A...

Gandhian perspectives on economics and ethics, foreword by Y.P. Anand

Gandhian perspectives on economics and ethics, foreword by Y.P. Anand

Prasad, B. Sambasiva

ISBN: 9789392443138, 9392443137

The book explores the ethical foundations of Gandhian economic order and discusses their relevance to the modern times. It also aims at comparing Gandhian economic ideals with those of classical thinkers like Adam Smith, John Ruskin and Karl Marx, and the modern scholars like Kumarappa, Schumacher, Amartya Sen and John Rawls. The Indian and Western influences, along with the British imperialism...

Retrieving samkhya history: an ascent from dawn to meridian

Retrieving samkhya history: an ascent from dawn to meridian

Gopal, Lallanji (1934-99)

ISBN: 9788124601433, 8124601437

Reunderstanding Indian philosophy: some glimpses

Reunderstanding Indian philosophy: some glimpses

Barlingay, SS

ISBN: 9788124601075, 8124601070

Revealing the art of Natyasastra

Revealing the art of Natyasastra

Mamboodiripad, Narayanam Chittoor

ISBN: 9788121512183, 8121512182

This book unveils the secret world of Indian classical theatre-the fundamental principles of sublime grace, stage presence, and effective communication of emotions.

Reverence of Sri Ramanuja to god

Reverence of Sri Ramanuja to god

Articles in English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil and Kannada on and about Ramanuja, a philosopher of 11th & 12th century and exponent of Visistadvaita vedanta.

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