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Your search for 'Mathematics' as Keywords results 230 record(s)
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S. Ramanujan: the mathematical genius

S. Ramanujan: the mathematical genius

Salwi, Dilip M

ISBN: 9788129103505, 8129103508

Ranging over many spheres of mathematics with equal felicity, Ramanujan jotted everything down in his famous 'notebooks' and these are still being studied by mathematicians.

Science and philosophy in ancient India

Science and philosophy in ancient India

Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad

ISBN: 9788189833442, 8189833448

The essays in this volume concentrate on mathematics and medicine in ancient India by tracing the fundamental aspects of these two disciplines of science.

Science and Theology in the Vedas

Science and Theology in the Vedas


Contents: (i) Science and theology in Vedic samhitas (ii) Science in vaisesika darsana (iii) Mathematics in the vedas (iv) Transcendental meditation a vedic science (v) Vedic Science: some selected aspects.;

Science in India: a historical perspective

Science in India: a historical perspective

Subbarayappa, B.V.

ISBN: 9788129120960, 8129120968

On India's origionality in mathematics, astronomy, holistic medicine, metallurgy and other fields.

Science in saffron: skeptical essays on history of science

Science in saffron: skeptical essays on history of science

Nanda, Meera

ISBN: 9789383968084, 9383968087

There is much talk of the glories of ancient Hindu sciences in India, from the mathematics to medicine etc. This book backed by the best available scholarship on history of science, offers a reading without the hype that has come to surround it.

Seminar on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem

Seminar on the Atiyah-Singer index theorem

Palais, Richars et al.

ISBN: 9788185931531, 8185931534

A study in the mathematical contributions of Varahmihira and his heritage

A study in the mathematical contributions of Varahmihira and his heritage

Pandey, GS

ISBN: 9788179860755, 8179860752

This book mainly focuses on the life and contribution of Acarya Varahmihira, one of the most outstanding mathematicians of the `Golden Age of Mathematics' in India (from 5th to 12th Century AD), to the discipline.

Subhankari: an indigenous tradition of elementary mathematical instruction

Subhankari: an indigenous tradition of elementary mathematical instruction

Chacraverti, Santanu

On the forgotten tradition of computation prevailing in precolonial Bengal.

Sunya and nothingness in science, philosophy and religion

Sunya and nothingness in science, philosophy and religion

Burde, Jayant D.

ISBN: 9788120833432, 8120833430

In this book, the author analyzes the concepts of sunya (zero), void, nothing and other similar notions found in various fields - mysticims, religion, philosophy, science and mathematics.

Who is this Shama Churn?,

Who is this Shama Churn?,

Chatterjee, Ashoke Kumar

ISBN: 9789359669410, 9359669415

This monumental work on Vedic mathematics unfolds a new method of approach. It relates to the truth of numbers and magnitudes equally applicable to all sciences and arts. The book endorses the omniscient nature of Vedas... In his deep-layer explorations of cryptic Vedic mysteries relating specially to their calculus of shorthand formulae and their neat and ready application to practical problem...

Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha Somayaji

Tantrasangraha of Nilakantha Somayaji

Ramasubramanian, K. et al.

ISBN: 9789380250090, 9380250096

Technical literature in Sanskrit

Technical literature in Sanskrit

Iyer, S Venkitasubramonia (ed.)

ISBN: 9788186397862, 8186397868

A unique work in Sanskrit on technical subjects like astronomy, medicine, mathematics, fine-arts, linguistics, architecture and iconography.

U-statistics, Mm-estimators and resampling

U-statistics, Mm-estimators and resampling

Bose, Arup et al.

ISBN: 9789386279712, 9386279711

Textbook of matrices

Textbook of matrices

Kishan, Hari

ISBN: 9788126910007, 8126910003

Topology and condensed matter physics

Topology and condensed matter physics

ISBN: 9789386279668, 9386279665

Theory of semigroups and applications

Theory of semigroups and applications

Sinha, Kalyan B.

ISBN: 9789386279637, 9386279630

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