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Texts M

Your search for 'Texts M' as Keywords results 3926 record(s)
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Aparajitaprccha of Bhuvanadeva, ed. with an introd. by the Popatbhai Ambashankar Mankad, with introduction in English

Aparajitaprccha of Bhuvanadeva, ed. with an introd. by the Popatbhai Ambashankar Mankad, with introduction in English

This work (12th cent.-13th cent. AD), is a voluminous work on all the aspects of Vastusastra, narrated by Visvakarman.

Apastamba's aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus, Parts I-II, ed. in the original Sanskrit with critical notes, variant readings from Hiranyakesi-Dharmasutras, an ....

Apastamba's aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus, Parts I-II, ed. in the original Sanskrit with critical notes, variant readings from Hiranyakesi-Dharmasutras, an ....

... alphabetical index of sutras and word-index, together with extracts from Haradatta's comm. `The Ujjvala' by George Buhler, 3rd edition, 1932;Texts (Veda, Upanisads, Puranas, Epics etc.)

Apastamba-Samanya-Sutra or Yajnaparibhasa Sutra, ed. with English transl. and exposition by Samiran Chandra Chakrabarti

Apastamba-Samanya-Sutra or Yajnaparibhasa Sutra, ed. with English transl. and exposition by Samiran Chandra Chakrabarti

This text provides good introduction to the study of Vedic rituals, for its instructs the general system and structure of the Vedic sacrifices.

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