Alfonso, AV (ed.)
ISBN: 9788179860595, 8179860590
Warrier, EI (1922- )
ISBN: 9788170995975, 8170995973
Contents: (i) Criticism of difference (ii) Superior validity of scripture (iii) The doctrine of Akhandartha (iv) The purport of the Vedanta texts (v) The prompter of activities (vi) Theories of error (vii) Brahman and the world (viii) Atman and Jiva (ix) Avidya and Avidyanivrtti (x) Moksa.;
Ranganath, S
ISBN: 9788178540764, 8178540762
This book is a systematic and a comprehensive surety of the contribution made by Scchidanandendra Saraswathi (1880-1975) alongwith his biographical details.;;
Ranganath, S
ISBN: 9788177020021, 8177020021
Study of contribution of Vacaspati Misra to (i) Nyaya system (ii) Mimamsa system of philosophy (iii) Sankhya thought (iv) Yoga system (v) Advaita system and critical assesment of his contribution to Nyaya system.
Narasimhacharya, Mudumbai (b.1939)
Contents: (i) The pre-Ramanujaage. (ii) Teachers that preceded Yamunacarya. (iii) Yamuna and his predecessors. (iv) Yamuna's works: a detailed examination. (v) Yamuna's philosophy. (vi) Yamuna's influence on Ramanuja. (vii) Evaluation of Yamuna's contribution to Visistadvaita.
Tiwari, Shashi (ed.)
ISBN: 9788177022520, 8177022520
This present volume, the third publication of WAVES, comprises twenty three selected papers written in English and Sanskrit on the theme 'Creation and Existence in Indian Traditions'. Papers by well known scholars of Sanskrit studies such as, Prof. Rama Nath Sharma, Dr. Soma Basu, Prof. Bhu Dev Sharma, Shashiprabha Kumar, Bhaskarnath Bhattacharya, Dr. Veda Vrata Aalok, and Prof. Asha Rani Tripa...
Marathe, M.P.
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Rao, K. Ramakrishna et al.
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This volume is more than a study in contrast; it is an intellectual bridge that facilitates the travel and exchange between the spiritual and scientific traditions of East and West and between first-person and third-person perspectives.
Rakesh, Vishnu Datta
ISBN: 9788174531445, 8174531440
Dasamahavidya-Mimamsa is an authority based on the doctrines of Nigama-Agamas of Indian philosophy.
Diaconescu, Bogdan
ISBN: 9788120836341, 8120836340
The work expounds the debate between the philosophers of the three schools, setting the arguments in their philosophical, doctrinal and historical context.
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