Nub ri ba chos kyi nyi ma rin po che(ed.
Nub ri ba chos kyi nyi ma rin po che(ed.
Zha dmar pandi ta dge `dun bstan ....
ISBN: 9787542106667, 754210666X
Author: ...`dzin rgya mtsho.
Spyan snga ba blo gros rgyal mtshan
Shantideva, mkhas grub padma rnam rgyal
Title: ...mchan 'grel rgyas sras zhi ba lha'i rnam par thar pa rin chen phreng ba.
Pan chen blo gros rgyal mtshan
ISBN: 9787105096107, 7105096101
Rgyal sras shi ba lhas
ISBN: 9787540946111, 7540946113
Rgyal sras Zhiba lha dang kum mkhyen ..
... pad ma dkar po
Rig 'dzin padma phrin las
..lag dang bcas pa bzhugs so.
T.G. Dhonthog Rinpoche
... the Sa-skya-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism (foreword in English)
Rgyal tshab thams cad mkhyen pa
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